Has anyone else suffer from bad mouth ulcers & / bleeding gums??
Mine has got worse lately plus I’m soooo tired , weak … etc 😿
I also keep tensing my jaw which is giving me headaches & making my mouth bleed more !!
Note: minor admin edit
Has anyone else suffer from bad mouth ulcers & / bleeding gums??
Mine has got worse lately plus I’m soooo tired , weak … etc 😿
I also keep tensing my jaw which is giving me headaches & making my mouth bleed more !!
Note: minor admin edit
Hi, yes I have had mouth ulcers and bleeding when brushing my teeth a couple of times during the last twelve months. I just thought it was part of having PA, when you are feeling really run down.
Me too but I’m getting worried cos I’m fed up of waking up in morning with the taste of blood in my mouth 😿
How’s yours doing?
Queeniz, I am doing well at present. When I get mouth ulcers or bleeding gums I use a non alcohol mouthwash after cleaning my teeth until the ulcers heal etc. I also tried rinsing with a warm saline solution. Have you been to see your GP?
Hoping for a speedy healing Queeniz. ❤ xoxo
Decades of bleeding gums and gum infections has resulted in loss of a third of my teeth. When I began injecting every other day, the bleeding stopped and teeth have improved but the damage had already been done and it looks like I will have to have two more extractions. The long term use of mouthwashes made the situation worse and are not recommended.
I never had mouth ulcers, although my gums used to bleed. I would wake up in the night because I had a mouth full of blood. Also my hair was falling out. I assumed these were more B12 deficiency problems.
My GP thought this had more to do with folate and ferritin being low than my B12 deficiency and put me on a 3-month course of both. This cleared up over time - I had to supplement a few times before both levels were stabilised, on top of multivitamins and minerals. This was closely monitored by my GP as although optimum levels should be in the top third of the range, too much folate or ferritin can cause problems, too. Neither were ever out of range- just very low and unstable.
Whether it was the ferritin, the folate, or the B12, at least it cleared up. Get folate and ferritin checked and see if there is a problem there. All my blood test results are now good and stable but it took a few years to get there.
GP still checks all results about once a year. Folate, ferritin, vitamin D, thyroid and FBC.
I've been using Listerine Gum Therapy mouth wash and Parodontax Complete Protection toothpaste and have experienced a huge improvement. I was getting multiple sores in my mouth, many on my lower lip and tongue that lasted up to 10 days before healing. Periodontist gave me an RX for a mouth rinse that contains prednisone because he thinks it is an autoimmune reaction to something. I rinse a few times when I feel new sores coming and that prevents complete flares. These three products are little miracles after suffering for 60 years with the sores.