For the last several months my mouth hurts so bad, I was deficient in iron and B12 severly I have been taking my supplements every day. But the pain in my mouth is not going away I had to find tooth paste with no mint at all and Colgate has a watermelon one so that was a bit better. When you look in my mouth you can see how irritated it is. I have read diabetes can cause it too but I already take Metformin ( 500mg ). Since I still have the pain I ordered liquid iron and B12 to see if I'm not absorbing it ( I had gastric bypass in 2009 ) I also keep getting swollen glands under my jaw ( my Dr said no fever not to worry ) . Does anyone get this mouth pain it's terrible
Painfull Mouth: For the last several... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Painfull Mouth
If you have had a gastric by-pass , you need B12 injections . You won’t be able to absorb B12 orally,Your Doctor should know this . Get injections ASAP . Best wishes .
Hi. I’m sorry for your distress.. when I was first diagnosed with PA I had bad mouth ulcers and I understand it’s a symptom. It sounds like you need injections as your gut probably won’t be absorbing the b12. Have you been tested for PA ? Do you take metformin because your diabetic?
If you search through these posts you will find the protocol that the drs are supposed to follow which you could take with you and show them to make sure you get injections. Good luck
Both replies so far are correct so I won't repeat them. But to offer some immediate relief, Corsodyl mouthwash is what I used for mouth ulcers when I was first diagnosed with P, it's good stuff and worked a treat. Hopefully, your sore mouth doesn't develop into ulcers, but it won't hurt to use a mouthwash anyway.
Thank you so much I will look for this mouth wash