My 18 year old grandson is an elite athlete but has lost his spark. He is in remission with ulcerated colitis and sept 2019 had blood tests taken at the hospital.just prior to lockdown my grandson received a copy of a letter sent to his doctor asking the doctor to renew his b12 and folate due to the results being low.
Results were
Folate 2.5
Due to the pandemic this was never done. He is typical teenager, hate tablets but has taken a few. He refuses to contact doctor as he says there is nothing wrong. He is irritable and bad tempered and very down. My daughter says she can’t contact doctor as he is 18 but surely she can and the doctor only needs to say he has been checking his backdated notes. Will the doctor have to say she told him. Is this breaking confidentiality?
I feel he is jeopardising his whole future
Thank you for the rant