Hi, everyone — like I said in my first post, my ferritin’s 8 (recently treated with infusions) and I have a positive IFAB test (I’m two B12 injections in) so it looks like I’ll need to more carefully monitor / inject my vitamins from now on!
This is my first tango with any kind of disorder, so I have some questions. Namely: having recently turned 30, I’m used to being an athletic person. College cross-country trained me to run at least 35 miles per week even now, in adulthood — though recently that’s been more and more difficult (i.e. my pace is slower than it’s ever been, I couldn’t hit 35 miles if I tried, and I find myself lightheaded, weak, and in need of a nap even after a very short run).
So, is it possible to have IDA and PA and still train to run competitive marathons and half marathons? Even if my endurance and speed return with treatment, is there any risk of harming myself through extreme exertion?
Thanks for your help!