Hi please can anyone offer advice, i was sub lingually supplementing B12 and my levels were 407 on the serum test, then they did a blood test in April and said i had a transferrin saturation of 11 so gave me iron supplements and vitamin c, they said by B12 was in the normal range, i stopped supplementing the B12, took the iron and 8 weeks later my levels had dropped to 268, so i paid for a private viapath test in July for active B12 and my level was 300, MMA was 270 and folate 4.1, Homoscysteine is 10.1
I have been to my doctor in tears because I am plagued with mouth ulcers (like 7 at a time for the last 2 years, have tinnitus (no known cause), am tired all the time and have no sex drive, i get pins and needles sometime and both parents have b12 injections. They write to haemotology who said my B12 levels are in the normal range, that i was low once (but didn't say what it was) in 2000. They suggested its low iron and are pre-menopausal symptoms (even though i am 45 and been getting ulcers for years), they seem to have ignored that i was taking the b12 under my tongue which if i am right by passes absorbtion
I need to write back to them and i really need some advice please from someone who knows as its a minefield and i am sick of feeling low
thanks in advance if anyone can help