Hi Everybody,
I would appreciate your advice on which blood tests are appropriate for my condition. For many years, I have been experiencing heart palpitations and hyperventilation. My heart can start racing, even when I am feeling relatively relaxed. I went to my GP about this and he checked my heart beat but did not find any major issue. However, blood tests were not taken.
My condition has confused me because mentally I do not feel anxious, despite physical symptoms such as my racing heart. At times, I have taken anti-anxiety medication for my condition. A few months ago, I started taking Vitamin B12 supplements (1000 MG) and they made a significant difference for both my breathing and preventing palpitations. It felt as though my body's oxygen levels had been significantly increased. During this time, I did not take anti-anxiety medication. It was a great sense of relief.
Unfortunately, after approximately two months, the palpitations and hyperventilation returned. Perhaps my body's ability to absorb B12 on a longer-term basis changed, as it no longer feels that my lungs have the same levels of oxygen (compared to the first few weeks of taking the B12 supplements).
I have Beta Thalassemia minor which I am fairly certain is contributing to my condition and insufficient oxygen levels. Since the Vitamin B12 made such a positive difference when I started it, I would like my doctor to investigate how my body can maintain sufficient absorption.
Which other blood tests should I ask my doctor to carry out? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading my post.