How will I get my B12 injection during isolation.
B12 Injection: How will I get my B1... - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 Injection
you will need to contact your GP.
if you are in the UK the current lock-down does permit you to attend doctors appointments.
If you are self isolating then you may need to consider how you travel to the GP but once you are there they will be operating in conditions that would be equivalent if not more stringent than those you are applying at home.
If you are in safeguarding as part of the group identified by the NHS then they should be making arrangements for you to receive the treatment you need. Again, I would suggest contacting your GP
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Yes my daughter is in this situation
She cannot get through to the Gp. Has been trying for a week
On several occasions on hold for 50 minutes. I agree the surgery should contact her with arrangements as in the high risk group because if other health issues and really needs hwe b12injection like us all.
111 will be the next call. It should be done to that.
Have a look at these two links which both have ideas on what to do if jabs cancelled because they are seen as non essential during pandemic.
From PAS website
From B12 Deficiency Info website
Those with underlying health conditions are at high risk, and b12 injections aren't considered emergency treatment during a pandemic so many are being denied them for their own safety.
Many I know are being prescribed the ampoules and are being allowed to have them at home by a nurse or family member if they are trained.
I am using sublingual drops, can get them on amazon, to keep me going between injections.