b12 injection: diagnosed b12 deficiant... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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b12 injection

smilingjane profile image
โ€ข25 Replies

diagnosed b12 deficiant

Hi there

After being poorly for years, ( I also have post parrton thyroiditis), I have been offered B12 injections.

I am curious as to how long the B12 I injection lasts. As I cant absorb B12, does that mean it dosnt get to be stored in my body? If that is the case do I just opee out what I dont use?

I had my first injection today with the next on Thusday.

I would really appreciate any advice.

Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š

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smilingjane profile image
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25 Replies
wedgewood profile image

You should be having 6 loading doses of B12 injections over 2 weeks . Then you will get injections either every 2 or three months , depending on your symptoms. If your symptoms start to return before the next injection is due , you need more regular injections . That may be difficult to obtain . We are all different , and need varying number of injections . , but doctors rarely recognise that fact . It sounds like you have Pernicious Anaemia, as you also have Hashimotoโ€™s thyroid condition . , another autoimmune condition like PA is . Autoimmune conditions rarely come alone . But Hashimotos seems to be the most common โ€œ partner โ€œ with P.A. . I have rheumatoid arthritis .

But having said all that , 3 or 2 monthly intervals of injections for your deficiency may well be sufficient to keep the symptoms away . Time will tell . You should also be taking a supplementary Folic acid tablet( B9) ( 400mcg ) as it works in conjunction with B12 .

Members here are always available , so do get in touch if you have any concerns . . Best wishes .

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to wedgewood

Hi Wedgwood

Thank you so much for the detailed info.

My endo said I havent PA though dont know how he knows, I forgot to ask the question. If he was looking at my folate levels, they would have been okay because I am taking supps.

Thanks again

Jane ๐Ÿ˜Š

Nackapan profile image

That's how I understand it.

You pee out what you dont use.

If you cant absorb you cant store it.

So need regular injections

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

I read somewhere that B12 is absorbed and stored in liver. Presumably that's for those with ok gut functions only?


Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to smilingjane

It is if it all working well. Sorrs can take years to deplete and as its sk slows goes unnoticed unless checked o bloodz routinely which ir isnt. So we get illI. Your levels drop either because of diet say vegan od you ard not able to absorb or process anymore. Whether if be PA or operations of not enough stomach acid and age.

PA I was told the most common reason but the tests unreliable.

An autoimmune disorder.

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

Thanks Nacapan

It's all a learning curve!

Jane ๐Ÿ˜Š

Pikachu74 profile image

I take tablets daily for mine now instead of having the injections so itโ€™s worth speaking to your gp and seeing if he can prescribe those instead xx

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Pikachu74

Hi Pik

Do you find that they reduce symptoms?


Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to Pikachu74

Tablets will only work if its dietary

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

Makes sense ๐Ÿ˜Š

Sleepybunny profile image


I wrote very detailed replies on another forum thread with links to B12 deficiency symptoms lists, causes of b12 deficiency, info about tests for PA, B12 books, B12 websites, UK B12 documents, letters to GP about B12 deficiency and other B12 info which you might find helpful.


I'm not medically trained.

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Sleepybunny

Thank you Sleepybunny xx

wedgewood profile image

Pernicious Anaemia( the most common reason for B12 deficiency) patients cannot absorb B12 from oral tablets , due to lack of Intrinsic Factor and stomach acid . Thatโ€™s why injections are the only solution for them .

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to wedgewood


I have read that that sublingual drops absorb through the membrane in the mouth, thereby straight into bloodstream, cause absorbing stomach.

Is that your knowledge?

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to smilingjane

I meant because bypassing stomach!


Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to smilingjane

Yrs I've read the same.

They dont work. Some find they help a little to get to next Injection but not as a replacement unless you are a vegan or vegetarian.

Otherwise noone would need Injections!

I. Personally not wasting any more money .

Ive still got supplies ranging from 50mcg tk 1000mcg. My Gp says my problem is dietary. It is not . Ive always eaten well including meat. Ivr had so much liveg ect my cholesterol has gone up. My b12 didnt nor did my iron.

I just hope for more research and more accurate testing. It wears you down being asked about all sorts being told tk get a job. Take up........yoga. even went down the domestic violence route. I'm too patient. But losing your rag gets tih z label of being aggressive or somethk v else. We all just need to be believed.

The Gp has given me a prescription for b12 ampoules so she must be at last believing I am eating b1e rich food.

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

Do you have any other AI issues?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to smilingjane


Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to smilingjane

Perhaps it's just low stomach acid from age I'm 58

I do have apple cider vinegar and lime juice ect though

My body didnr work as well after the menopause timing all there .

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

Often our bodies dont work well after the menopause :(

The endo I saw recently has prescribed a new HRT (Estrogen cream) on the market.

He says that the usual symptoms of low b12 and thyroid disease, (which I have) are all similar to low estrogen which explains why I have felt I'll since the M.

So I am hoping the cream and the jabs will make a diference!

When do you start your injections?.๐Ÿ˜Š

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

Hiw do you have your apple cider vinegar?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to smilingjane

On chips. On baked beans . On baked potatoes on greens I'm not keen on.

It's the ' mother's sort.

smilingjane profile image
smilingjane in reply to Nackapan

Ah ... like normal vinegar!

I've just been putting a little with warm water.

Didn't think of putting it on food. What a good idea.

Thank you Nackapan and good luck with your injections


smilingjane profile image

Hmmm ...

I am still wondering..

2 years ago, my B12 levels were 209 and folate low too. 6 months ago b12 was 540 and folate much higher than 2017.

I have been taking B12 sublingual and B vits for the last 2 months. My diet has been poor and have been ill so no appetite and little food.

So it looks like it's the vits that have brought levels up?

Nackapan profile image
Nackapan in reply to smilingjane

Yes if your diet poor seem to have done the trick. Thats great .

Noone I doubt would chooses injections over oral sources

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