Does anyone know where I can order B12 injection from China?
B12 injections from Canada? - Pernicious Anaemi...
B12 injections from Canada?
Try They have Cynocobalamin in vials . They also have needles and syringes I believe . Best wishes .
I'm confused. Do you want to order from China or Canada?
Where do you live?
injectable B12 isn't a prescription only medication in Canada - you should be able to get it from a pharmacy without needing a prescription so no need to order, unless there is a shortage in Canada at the moment.
They sell injectable B12 without scripts here in the states? I never knew that.
No , prescription needed in the States, but not in Canada .
Thank you!
sourcing from canada if you are in the US can sometimes be difficult as the US Government has tried to place restrictions in place on supplies of script only medications. However, it would also seem to be the case that injectable B12 is only covered if it is being supplied for medical reasons in the US as well as the UK, which means that you can get it from 'slimming clinics' - know some US based members of the forum do that.
I've just ordered from has been great. I have ordered twice from Florida. Good price, fast arrival. 10 ml multi-use vials