Has anyone else experienced Hypophosphatemia from b12 injections ?
Did lowering dose or frequency help or rather more intake ?
Has anyone else experienced Hypophosphatemia from b12 injections ?
Did lowering dose or frequency help or rather more intake ?
In over 14 years of reading messages on this forum daily , I’ve never heard of B12 injections causing hypophosphatemia .
Can be induced by certain drugs , but I’ve never heard it in relation to B12 injections . I’m interested to hear any affirmative answers .
thanks so much for the reply. I can’t seem to find any real evidence on it online either.
My gp suggested that because B12 injections stimulate red blood cell production, it increases phosphate demand for new cell formation which can temporarily lower serum phosphate as cells take it up for ATP production.
But perhaps he was just hypothesizing this for me because I do have a very sensitive electrolyte balance which seems to be disrupted pretty easily.
He suggested reducing the injections until I see the specialist, but I’m unsure now.
If this is low BP problem I don't expect in most cases thd cause is found .
Was that diagnosed by a specific blood test ?
Also suspect what I'd any underlying problems I the first place .
As when your body undef any stress they come out
Predisposed to certain things.
My b..p was low .
I always have run on thr low side
110/70 90/ 70
Until recently it's gone way up??? Since treatment for b12 deficiency with b12 injections???
Will be interested to hear others experiences.
That's if I've got the meaning right
I had an emergency visit last year where the only thing they could note was low phosphate - I’d been on B12 injections for a few weeks at that point and was having heart palpitations as well as other “fun” reversing out symptoms.
It hasn’t happened since so I don’t know that I’d say causation?
I do know that a large dose in one thing I.e B12 knock other things ouf of whack.Ivd never had to supplement iron before .
Started as ferritin levels dropped after initial loading doses of B12.
Heart palpitations i had went after ferritin levels Inncreased
I.m not sure phosphate has ever been tested even in A and E .
B12 wasn't either!!
Told I was having a panic attack when brain CT clear.
Also disbelieved i wasn't taking recreational drugs as pupils dilated .
I wasn't having s panic attack