Co supplements to b12 injections - Pernicious Anaemi...

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Co supplements to b12 injections

Adddi profile image
6 Replies

Hello there I’m fairly new. Have led life of tiredness - had low b12 many times and had loading injections to then be told I’m ok now. Every six years or so the same thing would happen. As a child I’d sleep after school and as a young woman sleep after work. I had horrendous mouth ulcers as a child and teenager and just little energy. My dad had pernicious anaemia and had monthly jags but I was never tested. I’m now 45 and 18 months ago a fabulous doctor tested for celiac and pa.

I was exhausted , eyes were so annoying ! I visited the optician 5 times in a year. My skin was scaly and itchy, I slept every afternoon, my body ached.... anyway ... it was negative but she said regardless of result she was happy to treat me so I’m on b12 jags every six weeks. My life changed overnight what a difference ! I was also given folic acid tablets which I took for three months or something and don’t take now. I’m finding I’m getting really exhausted this past few months and I know my b12 will be ok so I’m hoping someone can just point me in the right direction of maybe supplements I could take to enhance my b12 to work. Thanks in advance

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Adddi profile image
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6 Replies
fbirder profile image

If you have PA then your absorption of folate (especially folate from food), vitamin D and iron may be affected.

It is recommended that all women of childbearing potential take 400 mcg a day of folic acid. I would extend that advice to everybody with a B12 deficiency.

It is recommended that everybody who lives at mid to high latitudes should take vitamin D supplements during autumn and winter. All year if you have dark skin.

Your doctor should have checked your iron levels. If they are low or low-normal then you may benefit from a low dose iron supplement. I use Solgar's Gentle Iron.

Nackapan profile image

I take a multivit every other day. Vitamin d . (Prescribed ) now on maintemance dose Omega 3 ×2 a week as not keen on much oily fish. Do eat walnuts though. I was told iron levels fine as hb 13. When I asked for ferritin levels to be done as well I was low. I also take solgar gentle iron ,spartane and was prescribed ferrous fumarate by Gp in a large dose (I couldn't tolerate) but take a lower dose alternating or including the other two. A multi vit often has 14mg of iron.

I go by blood tests to try and hit the right balance for me. I have a very good diet but obviously have some absorbtion problem like you.

Takes a few months to sort out.

Of course if you have been doing a lot there is a possibility you may need more frequent injections.

Main thing is not to over supplement as that is can be bad for you and give you symptoms.

An ongoing balancing act.

Peri menopausal symptoms can cause symptoms of dry skin and fatigue with hormonal fluctuations. I also found at that stage eyesight struggled. Just don't put everything doen to that if applicable though.


wedgewood profile image

Sounds as though you could do with extra B12 injections . Try to persuade your doctor to prescribe them . Sub-lingual B12 tablets might help , or Sprays for nose or sub-lingual . These didn’t help me , and so I had to turn to self - injecting — cheap and efficacious.

Gambit62 profile image

Have you spoken to your GP about this?

- a negative result on the main test for PA is pretty inconclusive as the test isn't very sensitive so it doesn't rule out PA as the cause of the original deficiency.

there are a number of things that could be causing the problems so it is worth getting a blood count to look at the main possibilities, eg thryoid problems, just in case.

Adddi profile image
Adddi in reply to Gambit62

Not recently but she said a negative test could still mean I have it but no point in retresting as she is treating me the same way

Holiday12345 profile image

Do you not need sufficient B2 to make B12 work?

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