Hi I've been advised to turn to this forum as I've reached desperation for answers and help! My mum paid for me to have a private blood test as I've been getting nowhere with the NHS. I was tested for thyroid due to a very strong family history as I feel awful constantly and struggling to lead a life at the age of 22 just constantly having to sleep, struggling to work. But the Thyroid came back ok but the vitamin b12 and folate came back low my b12 came back 144 and folate 4.33 as advised by the doctor from blue horizon (company that done the private bloods) I spoke to my gp today, but the first thing that she said was the b12 blood test is inaccurate and didn't really want to listen to what the private doctor had to say and said that my bloods need repeating. I'm just worried that the gp will say my bloods are fine and that I don't have a b12 deficiency yet the private company have said I do? I'm really struggling Day to day I have no energy at all I have headaches all the time my memory is awful I'm 22 and can barely remember anything! All of my nails are bending over, and I was also diagnosed with depression over a year ago and I'm on anti depressants. I've told my gp many times I'm so exhausted and I'm struggling with the battle against my body but they wouldn't test me for anything and said it was to do with stress but I know it's more and I know it's not normal for a 22 year old to have to "nap" 3 times in a day and then have a full 11/12 hours solid sleep. And it came to a point where my mum couldn't watch me struggle anymore so felt she had to pay for me to have private bloods and they've come back with the deficiency but my gp seems to not believe the private bloods? I just want treatement and have a "normal life" of a 22 year old and it seems that the gps just think it's all in my head
would really appreciate some advise on what to do now. Thank you in advance