At what stage do people change over t... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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At what stage do people change over to self-injecting?

5 Replies

Hi folks, hope you can give me some advise.

Blood test in April 2016 showed B12 of 203 (145-569pmol/l). GP no help, so started self-treated with 3000mcg/day B12 sublingual as i had lots of symptoms. Initial response was amazing, but since then I find I have to keep increasing the amount I take. Currently I take 7000mcg/day otherwise I get a lot of eye symptoms, general weakness and I now have a lot of dizziness again these past few months.

I take a good range of other vits and minerals so no problems there (not vegetarian). I also self-medicate with NDT the last 2 years.

So my questions are:

Have others found that their need for B12 increases over time?

At what stage do people change over to self-injecting?

And if I started self-injecting, what regime would you recommend?

Thanks in advance.

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5 Replies
Nackapan profile image

Have you had any b12 injections?

If you haven't it's best to get first one done at the surgery.

Make a case for a trial. List your symptoms state what you have tried.

It's safer that way .

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Nackapan

Definitely! x

Statesideheather profile image

I started with oral B12 only. I did this for maybe 2 years. I had a great deal of recovery in that time. I found that the expense of buying large amounts of oral B12 and the need to take it many times throughout the day was just not working for me. If i increased physical activity, i felt like a slave to my bottle of B12 lozenges.

I went to a clinic and began injections once monthly. I found i was still relying on oral supplementation so i tried twice monthly. This was better for me but i still relied on oral B12. At this point i moved to self injecting weekly as it was more cost effective. At weekly injections, i was able to stop the oral supplementation. I did once weekly for several weeks and paid close attention to symptons. I began twice weekly eventually. Now for about 6 months i have injected every other day and sometimes daily. I do not notice any effects from injection. What i notice is a lack of symptoms. I increased my dosage in increments while watching closely to eliminate all symptoms. I do OK now. I had some very high stress last month and have had to do some extra injections. Its always watchin, injecting and waiting.

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to Statesideheather

Well done! I think this is a great strategy that would work for many people.

I'm so pleased to hear you're doing well now.

in reply to Statesideheather

Hi , your story sounds very like mine as I too have to take oral B12 several times a day now and I feel shattered after exercise plus it is getting expensive which was why I was wondering about injections .

I seriously doubt the gp will take me seriously. They didn’t at the beginning and of course now my serum levels are well over a thousand , so no chance now. Sadly the doctors here in NL are no better informed than those in UK.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

I still wonder why the amount people need keeps increasing?

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