I’m putting a house on the market and it’s been an insane amount of stress, much more than ever before. As it goes on I’m noticing more frequent muscle cramping, fatigue, low or no energy, etc. My usual B12 injection used to last for days, now it’s 24-48 hrs. Does stress have an effect on B12 levels in the body? Make the body use and require more?
Can or does stress cause an increased... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Can or does stress cause an increased need for B12?

I think it does. I was under an enormous amount of stress fot years building up to b12 deficiency. I've also read it does. I was researching to find out how my levrls dropped to 106 on a good mixed diet and no aneamia. No diagnosis of PA either.
I’m 100% sure that it does . That’s why I’m glad that I self-inject , so I can give myself an extra injection when needed .
I have been very grateful for the ability and freedom to do extra jabs as I find they last half as long as they had been.
Out of interest do you SI before a busy time, or do you wait until the fatigue hits?
I self-inject when an extra busy time is anticipated , in the knowledge that one cannot overdose . It’s just too horrible to feel those old symptoms returning . I’m probably a wimp!
Because I didn’t expect stress to have such an affect, I had been maintaining my regular SI schedule and wondering why I was up and down. Then I began to notice how the SI would bring me out of it, and began to wonder about the effects of stress. It has been a bit of trial and error. Because my situation right now is constant, I can’t effectively SI ahead of time in anticipation. It’s more like finding my “new normal.”
Hi Loves dogs, my husband and I moved 5 months ago after 31 yrs in the same house....so much 'stuff' to clear out. Anyway, it has been so consuming emotionally and physically and 5 months later the work is still going on. Re my pernicious anaemia, there is no doubt that it has affected my health. Symptoms that I thought were laid to rest so to speak, or at least well controlled, have become troublesome. My memory, energy levels and pain in my legs plus feeling generally unwell have returned with a vengeance. I do as much as I can, then it hits me and i have to just go and lie down. I could go on and on but meantime, I have increased my jabs, also taken oral VitB12 and vitamins more regular, as well as my prescribed folic acid. I am starting to have the very odd better day, so I know there is light at the end of the tunnel. Wishing you well and the move will be worth it in the end xx
That’s incredible. You just described everything that is going on with me - memory loss, pains in the legs, fatigue, the return of all symptoms.... Jabs had been 5 days apart for going on two years, now they last 2 days. Good to know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! There is inspiration in that!