Y do we daily wake up with symptoms though I inject twice a week... I can not inject EOD as it makes me feel b dizzy..? Is anyone with PA does gym? I joined gym as I need to b in shape but I can’t workout for more than an hour is anyone with PA gymming?
PA and gym: Y do we daily wake up with... - Pernicious Anaemi...
PA and gym

not gymming,but I walk twice a day for an hour each time with my dogs,been doing every other day jabs since july(doesn't make me dizzy)muscle wastage has been terrible but improving with more jabs and that is making exercise easier for me,I think an hour in the gym every day is good as you are still recovering,don't be too hard on yourself,just think early days yet
No. I try to walk half mile daily but that's as much as I can aim for.
In the gym for an hour is amazing. You must be getting better!!
Yes I work out in a gym and also cycle for sport.
It’s very important that you listen to your body and do not attempt to do more than you feel well enough and fit enough for.
I have found that starting gently and increasing slowly is the way forward. Even so, if there are days that I feel more tired or just not on good form then I either reduce my workout intensity or cut it out altogether. Nowadays I have learnt never to push through that feeling of my body telling me not to do it!
After diagnosis of PA it probably took me 18 months to 2 years of treatment before I felt back to my previous level of fitness.
I think that it is early days for you so I would really recommend that you take it easy.
Incidentally, there is never any reason why you should be working out for more than an hour in a gym and you should recognise the importance of a realistic target.
Good luck!
Did u hav neurological symptoms also
The sounds good. I used to cycle miles and walk and swim alot before I was ill. I felt sad the other day wondering g if I'd ever get on my bike again. I was brought up without a car so we had to cycle everywhere . Or public transport.
That give me hope if it took you 18m-2 yrs. I love being outside .
Well done!
Good advice too.
I was trying to push through but it just sets me back. Fatigue difficult to manage though as if I followed my body completely I wouldn't do anything.
I've never been to a gym so don't miss that. Getting out on my bike I miss the most.
Hi Jan. Thank you for writing. Your post really hit home with me. I used to be a very fit person before I got sick 10 years ago from a PPI that destroyed my digestion (I'm convinced i dont produce stomach acid anymore). Now I'm very thin, weak, and muscle wasted. I've only been aware of my b12d and supplementing for 3.5 months and am frustrated by my lack of progress. Ive been working out for 2 months and remain very weak (still anemic too).
18 to 24 months sounds like a long time but if I just knew I was getting better I could do the time. I'm happy you're better and hope i can join you.
My symptoms are similar to yours. Loss of fitness, exhaustion, depression, weakness in the legs, and awful digestion.
How's your digestion now? If it improved at all with b12 supps, how long did it take to improve? After 3.5 months I havent noticed much improvement in my digestion sadly. I just hope I can have your results.
Thank you again for your posts.
Iownskater52, be patient and don’t push too hard too soon as it will take from you rather than add to your fitness. Let you goal be health rather than fitness, so gentle exercise at first.
My digestion is better than it was which I put down to the betaine HCL and pepsin that I take with any meal with protein in it. Also to the probiotics I take. The biggest improvement came from taking my first course of a rather expensive probiotic called Symprove. I take a short maintenance course of this about once a year now as well as other probiotics on and off.
Having said that, my digestion is an ongoing problem. However, I don’t expect it to be further improved by taking B12. At the end of the day the B12d was caused by my stomach lining having been attacked by my immune system so my stomach and digestion will always be compromised.
Exercises are very important for stimulating repair of nerve damage. Stick with it