Hello, I am relatively young at the age of 21 and I was diagnosed with PA around 6 months ago, and I self inject once a week. I was wondering if anyone has found if they can still drink alcohol moderatley. What is your experience with PA and alcohol and do you have any suggestions or tips?
PA and Alcohol: Hello, I am relatively... - Pernicious Anaemi...
PA and Alcohol

I personally do not drink alcohol any more. Im not saying I never will. However I've many symptoms still.
Others have alcohol and can tolerate it a little. Others have said it's not worth it.
Ii think its wise to be careful .
Your tolerance will I think be decreased.
So go by how you feel.
Just take it easy. And eat plenty.
I lost count of how many glasses of Bourbon I drank the very first time I attempted to self inject as I was a nervous wreck at the thought of sticking a needle in me 😁
Seriously though, I've never personally noticed any difference at all.
Post lockdown I've given up moderation. Especially, where gin is concerned. It used to be reserved for weekends. Now I've no idea what day of the week it is, so any day is fair game.
I find it makes no difference to my symptoms whether I drink or not,
A glass of wine, and I get like a four day hangover until it clears my gut. Brain Fog, lethargy, weakness. It’s not worth it.
Do you have any issues with gluten or dairy?
Are you taking folic acid and a daily multivitamin?
Before I started si and was being under treated on injections every 2 months from my GP I couldn’t tolerate alcohol at all. One or 2 glasses of wine would leave me nauseous, exhausted and hungover for days. I more or less gave up alcohol for a year or so.
Eventually I settled on a twice weekly injection regime and feel as good as I’m going to in all respects. However, I still have to be careful with alcohol. I now seem to get away with 1 or 2 glasses of wine once a week (my Friday night treat). If I have a drink more often than this (say like when I was on holiday in the good old days) or if I have more than a couple of glasses I pay for it with increasing hangovers and exhaustion as the days go on.
So it’s a bit tedious but definitely best for me sticking to a limited amount once a week.
Before self injecting, I couldnt tolerate alcohol like I used to, a couple of units would give me a hangover but since I'm on top of my injections I'm fine with the odd big night out and a glass or 2 with a meal now and again. For me it's a case of being on top of the symptoms... if I'm not, then I know alcohol will make me feel much worse. Sounds like we're all different so trial and error might be the only way!
I've never been a big drinker but always like an occasional G&T and wine with a meal once a week.
My symptoms vary whether I drink or not, no noticeable change after drinking so I feel - why not !
It seems everyone's different with regards to this, so do whats best for you .... Slàinte ! Cheers !
I have no problems drinking alcohol moderately with injections every other day.
I love gin & tonic. (Boodles & Fever Tree Elderflower tonic) I would typically have one before dinner and one after, or occasionally switch with a good bourbon or tequila to sip before bed. But it seems to cause more frequent gastritis flareups with bleeding. I recently have cut back significantly and have fewer problems, sad to say!
I have to inject more often when I drink alcohol. My oncologist told me it depletes your levels faster. Now if I decide to drink one night, I do an extra SI the next day. It makes a huge difference for me. If I don’t, I get really symptomatic. But I do also have an adrenal condition that complicates it all more than usual.