For the past year I've been trying to find a diagnosis for my extreme fatigue. Can I please ask the community for some advice? My Active Vitamin B12 result (private test) is 61.000pmol/L. The lab says that's within the range of 37.5-188, does this sound about right or could 61 still give me symptoms?My ferritin is 85.9 ug/L and my folate serum is 19.98 ug/L - both within normal ranges I am told.
confused: For the past year I've been... - Pernicious Anaemi...
My serum B12 was right in the middle of "normal" but I was getting increasingly ill for many years with severe neurological symptoms. Finally found a smart doctor who tested my MMA (Methylmalonic Acid) and Homocysteine levels which came back as high and a positive test for Parietal Cell antibodies confirmed PA. MMA is going to be your best indicator of whether you have adequate B12 on a cellular level.
that's interesting - thank you.
did you have a urine or a serum test for methylmalonic acid?
They can do either. From what I've read, urine is more accurate but I am no expert. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable on the forum can give a more solid answer. Hope you get the answers you need and the remedy to your fatigue.
its not impossible that you have problems with B12.
In diagnosing a B12 absorption problem falling levels of B12 are really the thing to look for but neither serum B12 or active B12 as a single measure will really tell you what is going on. Tests that could help clarify are homocysteine and MMA.
thank you
Can I please ask another question? Is there a link between Vitamin B12 problems and low white blood cell counts? The only thing my GP has picked-up is lower than normal white blood cells, which they're testing for the third time next week.
make sure you have vitamin d3 test and results are optimal to help fight infections, sickness, etc...