Hi, I’ve been kind of keeping an eye on this forum from over on the thyroid one!
I’ve been struggling now with thyroid symptoms for a couple of years but as my treatment improves, I wonder if some of my symptoms aren’t B12 related.
I wanted to ask; can you have normal-ish B12 levels show in bloods but your body not be using it properly? My last two bloods showed active B12 at 66 and 71pmol/L (37.50-188) despite supplementing every day with between 1000 and 3000mcg sublingual tablets for over 18 months now.
Secondly, my worst symptoms is muscle weakness. Can this be a B12 thing? I do also have tinnitus, some numb areas on feet and legs but the muscle weakness is the main thing. I know a lot of these symptoms cross over between thyroid and B12 deficiency and I’ve been focusing on the thyroid up until now.
I wonder too, if pursuing my body’s B12 ‘use’ is worth doing, how do I convince a doctor it’s worth looking at more closely? My levels have always been “in range” (they were in the 400’s when originally measured by the nhs, their range 180-2000ng/l) so they weren’t interested at that point.
I don’t necessarily think I have PA, maybe that my body just isn’t using B12 properly (.... kind of like my thyroid hormones! 🙄)