Hi everyone! Hope you don't mind my continual posting I hope that my experience might help others who also come searching!
I managed to get a face to face with the GP from last week and my mum wanted to come to as back up. She initially repeated that I didn't have it and that she could say "categorically" that I didn't have PA because the intrinsic factor was negative. When my mum and I explained that the NHS guidelines said symptoms are more important than the inconclusive serum B12 test she then said she agreed that was the case and said my symptoms could be signs of a B12 deficiency! She also said that as B12 is just a vitamin theres no harm in trying (which has been my thoughts from the BEGINNING) When I then queried the fact you can have PA without intrinsic factor she again completely turned around and said OK so I understand what you're saying and your right you can have it! She then said "we don't want to get all caught up in the names of what you do or don't have testing this and that" (I thought it was a bit funny considering she u-turned on everything she had said) and said that she was giving me the B12 injections (5 loading doses 3 days apart and then 3 months after) and that after that they will never test my b12 again as the injections will make it sky high. She said if I get better following them then they will look at having them for life and I have my first injection this afternoon! I couldn't believe it I'm still so in shock I could cry! I have a few question for you all - she said they hurt which I have heard on here before but I'm typically quite good with pain and wondered if anyone can offer me any tips/advice on having them. Also how quick do you feel them start to work? I'm a little concerned about the fact that I only have the 5 doses then 3 monthly considering I have neurological symptoms but I was so in shock I got offered them I didn't want to argue. I'm also aware many on here recommend getting ferritin into optimal levels and mine is low - are there any high content supplements that work particularly well for absorption troubles and that are gentle on the stomach? Any further experience/help would be much appreciated!