Administrators’ in other HU fora have recently been submitting multiple reports of people joining their fora simply to use the platform as a dating site!!
Typical activity is that they join a forum and 'follow' multiple members - sometimes in the hundreds (mostly men following women but recently woman following men too).
They do not post or reply in the fora but instead send personnal messages to members via the chat function asking for...'friendship'.
If you get such a message, please report in via the mail report function and also, if possible, send a personal message to myself or Gambit with the users name so that we can take action and restrict the offender (we do not see the reports generated by 'chat' - these go directly to HU).
Don't think this has occurred in our forum so this is a 'just-in-case' warning 😉.
And while I'm here...the instances of people offering inappropriate, misleading, and sometimes dangerous advice in the forum seems to have increased slightly recently.
Hopefully this is just a 'blip'...but if you spot anything whilst wandering through the posts, please do send in a report so that we can take appropriate action (thanks to those who have been doing this 😉).
Reports can be submitted by clicking on the 'more' tab (at the bottom of the reply). Click on 'report' at the bottom of the pop up menu then enter details on the pop-up report screen (very quick process).
Thanks all 👍