Need answers: Hi hope someone can help... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Pernicious Anaemia Society

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Cakemaker1 profile image
3 Replies

Hi hope someone can help me.

Since last June I started getting broken sleep

And continued to get worse now I only get 2hrs a night with a sleeping tablet.

But on the right up to this I had been going to them doctors with suddenly feeli g anxious atcwirk was worried about my uti s as had to have won many anti biotics to clear it. From then I had list a little wtufhf due to lack if appetite so doc sent me for colonoscopy in july.but all ok.i had a ct abdomen scan that showed nothing.

From then I decided to get a check up for cardioligust he said I'm ok .even though u explained I've usually done 15000 steps a day to feeling unusually out of breath doing simple tasks. But I always was very fit. And sudden my not. But because I fitted in between their bench marks he said ui was ok but my heart still thumped hard wether raised or not.

Had a lung function test that I failed but he saud I was just unwell but I could not complete.

Because lack of appetite I had z barium seslow done which showed my stomach dud not distend well. But endoscopy showed nothing.still unresolved

From the very beginning I went to doctors complaining about vibrations jn my feet but was told j was ok.

However . Still sleep getting worse and was wait g again on in Sept. But continued to loose another stone from the 7lb I already lost

Blood tests show I'm now pre diabetic?? I only weigh 8.8 now and look like a bag of bones.

MY digestion and in now has becone very bad it gurgles violenyky all the time when i eat or drink anything. My stools are foul and might coloured and well so much smelly flatulence it's embarrassing .

Even though I feel hungry all the time

It seems I'm told I have malnutrition and malabsobtion but nothing is changing and I just don'sleep

I just also want to mention I have congenital nystagmus which has almost stopped and should never do that as once you have it you have it.

Help anyone

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3 Replies
clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support

Hi Cakemaker1 this community is mainly about Vitamin B12 deficiencies and Pernicious Anaemia (P.A.).

Do you know whether your serum B12, Folate and Iron levels have been tested and if so what the results were showing the numbers and the ranges <From --- To >?

I am not a medically trained person but if you can supply the above information there are others on here who will be able to give you advice

Cakemaker1 profile image
Cakemaker1 in reply to clivealive

Thank you , I am o not the low side of the reference level in all if those and just been told by doctor " yeah you ok " because they just said well we w think you are depressed so thsts reason but that's not good enough, but I am so tired my nystagmus has changed so I believe something neurologIcal has happened as eyesight getting worse and the chronic insomnia I have is giving me do much anxiety , I can't stay on sleeping pills for ever m even thought they only give me a couple of hours Feeling very scared Ias I don't fall alep naturally anymore

clivealive profile image
clivealiveForum Support in reply to Cakemaker1

I am so sorry to read that you are no further forward to getting treatment.

You say that your test levels were "not on the low side" but it would be interesting to no precisely what they were. You are entitled to have copies of your medical records at reasonable cost and it would be good if you could post them on this forum for more experienced persons than I to look at.

The serum B12 test is not a good indicator of how much in actually in the cell where it is needed and regardless of your level your doctor should be treating your symptoms not just looking at the computer screen.

With regard to your nystagmus the following link may be helpful.

Please remember I am not a medically trained person.

I wish you well.

P.S. If you can obtain copies of your test results start a new post and use the option at the beginning to add a photograph of them.

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