Hi .
Has anyone on this site experienced acute itchy feeling in scalp.For the last two days I have had this problem. Around my hairline and neck area I had a small rash and the odd spot.
I bought a special shampoo and scalp treatment which I used yesterday to no avail.
I got up in the night and took antihistamine.It helped a little. I am due a B12 injection and I am also on levothyroxine for hypothyroidism.
Last yearI had experienced similar problems but not itchiness it was like stabby feeling in my scalp and I had shedding of hair. Does anyone think my autoimmune system could be attacking my hair follicles. I have not changed wash powder. I have a lot of stress at work which has been intense over the last couple of months resulting in lack of sleep.
Thanks to any one who has had time to read my post.