I haven't posted in a long time but continue to read and learn here frequently and think this is probably the best place to look for an answer to my particular concern.
Does anyone here know much about B12 and any effect Vit C may have on levels. I recently read somewhere, though I've lost the link, that Vit C can destroy B12, presumably when it's taken orally.
I've recently been injecting Vit C and definitely feel the benefits, but of course, being a PA sufferer, became worried that it might not be such a great idea. Does anyone know if Vitamin C would deplete my B12 level, in injection form or is it just an oral/digestive issue?
I foundvthe folliwing pdf file but it's a bit too complicated for me to understand, I wonder if our more knowledgeable members could perhaps let me know if there's any useful information regarding my concerns in there. I'd very much appreciate some help in understanding more on this topic