This is a bit of an odd one, and in some ways I can’t believe I am asking this. I have dentures and I have too use a fixative as I have very little jaw bone for them too sit on. My problem is that the fixative dosent last I can re do this about a dozen times a day. I l know we are prone to dental problems with PA but just wondered if we have more saliva or if it is more acidic. Weird question I know but would be interested in any ones thoughts. Thank you
Dentures : This is a bit of an odd one... - Pernicious Anaemi...

Oh grief Patjamber...dentures...hmm...🤔
About saliva...some with B12 deficiency suffer with dry eyes and others have underlying conditions that may also cause dry mouth etc. Does this have an effect of denture idea, but I suspect not.
My mum had dentures so I know how very uncomfortable and annoying they can be when they don't fit well (for whatever reason).
Just a thought...are all fixatives equal...perhaps a different brand would perform better? Don't know. But worth a try.
Gums do shrink and change shape over time so just wondering how long you've had your current set? Might be worth consulting your dentist to see if they can make a pair that are a better fit (taking into account your lack of jaw bone).
Sorry it's not much of a answer / solution...hopefully someone will come along with wiser words.
Thank you Foggyme. I know I absolutely hate them. Actually they are new, just before Xmas and all adhesives seem to be the same The alternative is too have screws in my jaw and hooks on the dentures so I can keep it hooked in. Lol what we have to put up with eh x
Screws and hooks sound dreadful.
Just wondering...if they're new...have they been fitted and made properly.
Asking this because I recently had a crown re-done...and the fit was dreadful (even changed the way I spoke). When I pointed out the problems the dentist offered (wait for it) give me a refund 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Oh no said I...Imjust want a tooth thwt fits...the same as the one you removed. I got my tooth.
Know a crown is a little different from dentures...but the principals are surely the same (and the fitting much more difficult and precise). So perhaps worth re-visiting your dentist and asking them to check for fit. Especially as they're new. I'm also a suspicious creature on occasion (🙄🤷♀️) so I find myself wondering if 'little jaw bone' could be used as an excuse by your dentist to 'explain' the poor fit - rather than poor work by them 🤷♀️).
If you’re not entirely confident with your dentist's treatment or explanation for the problems you’re having, think I'd certainly get a second opinion before going down the screw and hook route...especially if the same dentist is going to undertake the work.
I and my teeth feel for you Patjamber. Good luck and let us know how it goes 👍
Thank you. This is my second set as the first were horrendous, these are a tad better. I think the screws maybe my last resort. I will let you know
If there's improvement in the first pair...perhaps there could be improvement on a second pair...just because I shudder at the thought of screws and hooks...though if it's the only way to go, may well be an improvement on what you've got now.🤞🤞
Please note - I am not a dentist 😐😐😉😀
I know feeling.i try tell people quality of life reduced and it not life threating but I constantly aware uncomfortable gums unless you suffer every minute of the day with what feels like shards of glass sticking in mouth it awful.
You got my total sympathy

I have problems with my teeth and have dentures. My fixative seems to work okay but then I am quite generous in the amount I use :).... and usually end up having to scrap it off at the end of the day.
I do occasionally have problems with too much saliva and suspect that is part of what is going on with the fillings etc.
I think we are all different so what may happen with one person may be quite different with another but I can definitely relate to your problems.
I've also had dentures remodelled and replaced (had a tendency to bit in one point on the first set so it became quite week near the functional teeth bit and tended to snap. I also have crowns and the two together can be a bit of a nightmare.
Thank you Gambit62. It is a complete nightmare isn’t it. I have tried it really thick, thin every product but it just seems to dissolve in my mouth. I had the problem of my plate snapping with my last set, I have to admit these are far comfier and I feel more confident even with this problem x
They do, unfortunately, work loose with time and you do need a periodic refit. When you find that a good sneeze sends them across the room it's probably time to go and ask for a refit
I don't have dentures but proudly served the elderly for 8 yrs as a home help. Its amazing what you learn about by osmosis.
I reckon they are pulling a swify to be honest. If the fit was right surely the moisture would not be getting under the denture?
The problem is my lack of jaw they don’t have much too sit on. Plus the previous dentist when he removed the teeth in that area was a bit of a butcher and I have holes where bits of the jaw broke away. The dentist I have now was surprised by the state of my mouth and has done as best he can Thanks x x

Hi Patjamber I lost all my teeth at the age of 23 in 1964 caused by acid erosion from a gastric ulcer which burst in 1959 when I was seventeen which resulted in the removal of two thirds of my stomach which in turn led to P.A. diagnosed in 1972.
Down through the years I have had only three sets of dentures during fifty years - my last set was made four years ago.
I agree that settling new dentures in is a nightmare but I've never used a "fixative" simply because I believe that as the mould for the new set is a reflection of the shape of the gums at the time the dentures are made they are intended to fit them exactly without the need for any "padding".
I realise this doesn't answer your original question - it's just my own personal experience.
I wish you well.
Thank you Clivealive. The problem I have is because I have no bone for them too sit on as such there isn’t any chance of them staying with out fixative When I first put it on it is fine but it wears off very quickly that is my problem. I am forever disappearing to put them back in. Can get a bit embarrassing x x
Great answers folks - and even though a serious subject it's made me laugh! What is it with teeth that's funny?! 😁 Sorry for seeming insensitive.
I've just had 2 crowns and a filling put back AGAIN and, like many others with B12 deficiency problems, have dental issues that were really bad when I acutely needed treatment.
For a few weeks I've been sticking my first loose crown back with superglue and that was a pain when I had a do it every few days so you very much have my sympathy having to do it several times a day!
I know that some dentists can be much less competent than others and they do also have off days so trying again or another dentist might be a solution.
As per your original question, the changes in our bodies' functions which mean that we don't absorb the B12, could well include changes to the enzymes and pHs in other parts so that your saliva is somehow breaking down the fixative.
Sincerely good luck with everything! I hope that the "Velcro for teeth" works if you do have to go down that route - but I think a second opinion might be worth seeking first, if you can afford it.
You can buy dental cement on Ebay. What if you glue your lips together 😂
I am sure my family would absolutely love that lol. But a tad drastic I think. Xx
Nooo, it wasn't a suggestion lol. It was replying to Denise who is supergluing a crown.I always manage to glue my fingers together when using superglue. I don't know now youre managing not to get everything stuck.
Do check Ebay out..They really do have everything ..
Thank you Deniseinmilden I know we are the but of the food old fashioned sea side humour. This is a new dentist I’m a completely different town who was highly recommend This is obviously going to be a life long problem. I have suffered badly with acid for years. I have recently had. A hiatus hernia surgery and a fundoplication wrap. This was too stop acid redux etc as I was really suffering and my upper gi was becoming peppered with tiny holes through acid burn. That’s what made me think maybe I was still getting a small amount and it was affecting the fixative Trip back ro th
I have three implants in my lower jaw with the denture clipping into the three posts. They keep the denture extremely stable and it can be removed at any time for cleaning. I would recommend them and you wouldn't need any fixative.