I may be crazy but I think I read this somewhere and now I can't find it again. If I am correct, could some erudite soul tell me what benefits what area i.e spine, legs, brain etc. Please excuse if I'm totally barking up the wrong tree!
Do different types of B12, the methyl... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Do different types of B12, the methyl, the hydroxo and the cyno help differing parts of the body?

Personally I'd have to say yes-ish - though think it is more about affecting different bits of the way my body works. I find that methyl does nothing for my mood but is does help with feeling in my feet (some minor nerve damage from around the time when I was first diagnosed). I find that adenosyl helps with continence. It can also help more with mood.
Thanks so much, I am injecting methyl and I have also noticed an improvement in my feet and legs but I still have anxiety. I wonder when I swap to hydroxocobalamin, (as it is cheaper), if I will notice a difference in some other area? Wish I could have greater resistance to circulating bugs, that would be my biggest goal. Wish you a happy weekend .
Once they get into the cell all forms of B12 are converted to cob(II)alamin. That means they are, from then on equivalent. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
This diagram shows it... ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articl...
That means that the only way the different forms can be biologically different is if there are differences in the ways that the other forms are distributed in the body or transported into the cell.
So are you saying that they are all equally effective with no major difference in effect on different parts of the body? So it really doesn't matter what type you take? And no one type is any better than another? And none can be judged as superior in anyway? Have I got that right? Many thanks for helping again.
For just about everybody, yes they are as good as each other as far as what happens once it gets in the cell. Before that there can be differences. That’s why cyanocobalamin needs to be dosed more frequently than other forms, because more of it gets eliminated. For some inborn errors of metabolism, hydroxocobalamin is better than any other type.
Overall hydroxocobalamin has many advantages over other types and no disadvantages.
fbirder, the Canadian study that is normally quoted as the one that showed that hydroxo is retained longer than cyano also showed a significant number of people were retaining hydroxo longer than cyano.
On average hydroxo is retained twice as long as cyano but that is an average and not true for everyone.
'the Canadian study that is normally quoted as the one that showed that hydroxo is retained longer than cyano also showed a significant number of people were retaining hydroxo longer than Cyano'
Think the second reference to hydroxo and cyano needs the words reversing. (Just delete this reply when done 👍).
Thank you, that's very interesting, glad to be changing over to hydroxocobalamin. What, if you have the time, are the disadvantages of methylcobalamin? Have felt a bit neurotic since taking it but it might just be coincidental. Many thanks again.
Methylcobalamin is less stable, more expensive and more difficult to source. For some people it causes unpleasant side-effects.