Hoping this works via my PC rather than my windows phones whicxh is limited... This site it takes you to has lots about vision so type search if you have any other issues.. Jo
Glaucoma Link re b 12 and possibly he... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Glaucoma Link re b 12 and possibly help the b12 gives

Thanks, that link works.
The 2nd article seems to be saying that a high homocysteine level (ie B12 deficiency) is not linked to normal tension glaucoma.
So as far as my health is concerned it looks like I have PA and glaucoma independently of each other.
There are other reports that talk about b12 being good for the optic nerves.... Which with too much IOP causes damage... I was happy with what I saw... Glad that it defined your issues... I had the Bonnet issue, so my vision should benefit from b12 too... 😊
Thanks for the link. I remember reading somewhere that B12 helps glaucoma and recently when I had to use lots of steroid drops in my eye because if a uveitis flare up, my pressure did not go up very much at all. Usually it does, so I was very happy & attributed it to the B12!
When I read about the repairing of nerves re b12 I had to ask about the optic nerve possibility... I used to also have the white ghosts halo's described as Something Bonnet... So I think my b12 def has gone back a long long way... Pleased it's safe to take and may help xx
Yes, that was like the whipped cream on top when I read B12 is good for the eyes! Eyes are so precious and it really hits home just how precious when something goes wrong with them!
So glad we have B12 for our eyes.it sounds as if your condition went away. If so, I'm so happy for you.
Take care, Scorpiojo!
Thank you, Scorpiojo! There's always hope. Maybe with time the B12 will help your eyes! I've had tinnitus since about 2003 & I was amazed b/c even after having it for so long, the b12 helps so much. Sometimes my ears are completely silent and it's like a little slice of heaven when that happens. Hoping that as time goes on it will resolve completely. Hope the same for your eyes! take care xx
Stem cells are the hope for Glaucoma but the b12 if it eases anything else is great... I still crash in the afternoon... The tiredness gets me down so much xx Glad your ears are getting better xx
Thanks for the well wishes, scorpiojo!
Yeah, that tiredness....
I still have to take 3 hour naps in the afternoon when my body runs out of B12 . I'm lucky that I'm not working right now. I can't remember how often you are injecting but I am now injecting 3 times a week and gobbling sublinguals everyday!
Perhaps you need to increase the frequency of injections? Just a thought.
I was finding they made me tired after the jabs.. I'm going to start monitoring and slowly add things back to try and work out what's not working xx
Good idea! It is so frustrating trying to get it right! I am a bit up and down even with 3x a week. I guess it's really hard to duplicate what the body does naturally when everything is working right. Kind of like how diabetics have a hard time with getting the insulin just right. Good luck! xx