Plus a parietal antibody test also. Asked about active b12. No answer came the stern reply..
This is what they did yesterday - Pernicious Anaemi...
This is what they did yesterday

active B12 is much more expensive and specialist and often isn't available through GP surgeries.
Given that you have only just had loading shots I'm not sure that the B12 was really worth doing. folate would have been more interesting, unless you are only supplements.
I was warned that they won't actually do the B12 as it is within 90 days of the last one. I had a moan to my GP about folates (my last score was 3.8) being on the low side of acceptable but it is fair to say that our last conversation was somewhat combative. She is of the opinion that my neurological symptoms are not b12 related (the fact that she would have to keep jabbing me if she said it was is of course not an issue :-)) and accused me of "clutching at straws". She'd like to have me on beta blockers and forget about me till my neuro appt in August.
referal to neuro is the way to go with the neurological symptoms as there can be a number of different causes and there is nothing to say that there couldn't be more than one things going on.
Bit of a bind that the appointment isn't until August though.
You are very much in the early stages of treatment if I understand your other posts and neurological symptoms can be very slow to resolve.
It is the way in the NHS now. Locally my hospital has lost a lot of services. I could have got a slightly nearer appt if I had been prepared to travel further. I will have to take what there is. If my GP is correct I don't have any b12 neuro symptoms as I "have only recently gone low" and she will "eat her hat" if it is down to that. All I know is that I have tremor and tingling throughout my body and weak limbs that the loading doses have not (yet) addressed. My doctors would if not challenged treat me for anxiety and that would be that. I had to push hard to get a referral.
really doesn't sound as if your GP understands B12 deficiency at all - like most others. Hope that the neurologist is better but, unfortunately the odds are against that.
I will post up my results when I can get hold of them. They said "normal" over the phone. She clearly thinks I have either anxiety (which is a symptom of def. Anyway) or some neuro condition which she is going to leave for somebody else. I feel really low. I'm starting to imagine all sorts of horrors and I am a long way from being able to dispel them.
just because it sounds as if you are heading to a bad place posting a link to a post on dealing with intrusive thoughts.