Hi - newbie here. My doc ran blood work but did not check for B12 specifically but my results are as follows -
Hemoglobin 15.7 (11.8-14.8 g d/l)
Hemocrit 44.7 (35.5- 44.0%)
MCV 92.8 (82.0-99.0 fL)
MCH 32.5 (27.8- 34.5 pg)
MCHC 35 (32.5-35.5 g/dl)
RBC 4.82 (3.90-4.90 10 6/ul)
Also last year I saw a naturopath for an unrelated condition and they did a blood smear and I have a definitive Rouleaux formation as well as Erythrocyte aggregation I questioned what would cause that and they said, “Oh, you’re probably just dehydrated”
I started having neurological symptoms like numbness, tingling and facial twitching and started taking 5000 mcg sublingual B12 and after a month it “seems” to be helping but I’m afraid it may just be masking something worse.
Do the results of the CBC sound like pernicious anemia? Should I push for B12 testing? Pay out of pocket and have it done myself? If so, what specific tests should I have done?
Please help. At my wits end with all this.