Saw this recent post on B12 Deficiency Info website.
I used to work in mental health Sleepybunny and this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
The side effects of some of the medications used, especially anti-psychotics can be horrendous and yes B12 deficiency symptoms could easily be missed.
I nearly went back into mental health earlier this year and I had an interview in a secure unit but I already had brain fog by then and failed miserably at answering the interview questions. Just as well because its far too stressfull for me to cope with now.
B12 deficiency can play havoc with mental health. See link following links..
There is an article on PA and mental health available to PAS members in this link.
I have read that some drugs can interfere with folate metabolism and B12 metabolism which I guess may have a knock on effect on mental health.
I wonder how many sectioned mental health patients have B12 deficiency in the UK and the wider world.
RHi Sleepybunny!
I read the link and found it fascinating. While I’ve never experienced depression to the extent mentioned in link I have had situational depression from loss of my youngest son at age 15 so I understand how debilitating it can be. However, I especially related to the mention of inability to swallow as a symptom which I still have to some extent. I have now dropped down a total of 36 lbs since this all started a year ago. I am once again iron deficient since attempting to get off iron infusions for a few months and going on tablets. Taking iron orally is not helping at all and my swallowing issue worsened immediately as my numbers dropped: hemoglobin, iron and weight. So I now have to face the expense of iron infusions as my oncologist/hemotologist has me back on them. Will get them every 6 weeks. Hoping this will improve my difficulty to swallow solids.
Hope your swallowing problems improve soon.
Are you getting enough B12?
Are your folate levels good?
I am not medically trained.
Very good and informative blog. Scary how little is taught in our medical schools about B12 deficiency and our need for other nutrients too.