Hi. Where do you take your sharps box to dispose of it safely in the U.K.? I'm in the south east. Thanks.
Needle disposal : Hi. Where do you take... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Needle disposal

disposal can vary from place to place - contact your local council - they may have a service - alternatively they may point you at taking them to your local GP surgery for disposal
Google for chemists in your area that take full sharps boxes . I did that and found that nearly all do . No charge . No problems . I didn't take my box to surgery as they disapprove of my self-injecting !
Do you get a (free) replacement box or do you have to pay/buy your own?
I haven't got one yet. I'm thinking about self injecting and wondered how the sharps box removal worked.
I looked it up on my local coucil's website.
Now I give them a ring and they tell me to leave it outside on a particular day. Then they pick it up and leave a replacement.
That's great, fbirder
Being diabetic, I have a sharps box from my surgery. I'm assuming that, even with needles and empty ampoules, they won't inspect the contents and exchange as usual I was interested as to how other people managed