Hi folks, have been lurking around for a couple of weeks reading and soaking up information. I started looking for reasons as to why I felt so totally rubbish. I was taking my folic acid which had been diagnosed as low several years ago together with iron a good multi vit and sub lingual b12. I still felt truly awful.
No energy restless legs easily out of breath reduced cognitive function etc etc... All pointing to b12 deficiency I haven't been to my GP for bloods yet just bit the bullet and ordered some im b12. Ordered cyno as it was the cheapest and I wasn't fully up to speed on the best one to get. I ordered 5 and ended up with 15 they sent a box of 5 and a separate box of 10.
I've given myself 2 shots so far and already feel so so much better.
This post is to say thanks for the absolute gold mine of information here. I wouldn't of known where to start without it.