Hi. Have just discovered that (by mistake) I ordered a mixed box, 5 each of B12 (cyano, 3mg) and folic acid (20mg) ! So, does anyone inject folic acid? Should I divide into 5mg doses and keep in the dark etc to inject daily? Anything I need to know? THANK YOU!!
Folic acid injections: Hi. Have just... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Folic acid injections

Hi Sirlam. The 20mg ampoules of folic acid are single dose ampoules. Please do not divide the single dose ampoules into four doses and save for injection later. Single dose ampoules are just that: single dose ampoules.
I see you ordered the folate by mistake...what makes you think you need to inject it?
I would just add 1/10 of the folic acid to a drink each day. Much safer than splitting and injecting.
Is it really okay to drink it? And what about contamination once the ampoule had been opened? Just wondering...
If it's OK to inject it'll be more than OK to drink. And it'll get no more contaminated than would a bottle of wine - and I don't let such worries stop me there.
I'm not sure about stability in solution. OK, a quick google later... It's unstable without some extra bits - ijpcsonline.com/files/39-05... - which I assume are in the solution for injection. So I would add the portion to a drink just before taking it.
Why not just inject- say weekly?
Because there's no need and no advantage. Indeed, it would be worse than drinking it.
Folic acid has an elimination half-life of around 1.5 hours. Within 10 hours of an IM dose 90% of the folic acid has been eliminated in the urine. So injecting once a week would result in low levels of folate for 6 days out of seven.
Most of the folic acid you ingest gets absorbed, so the amount reaching the blood is about the same as if you inject it.
Thank you so much for all your replies. I did wonder about drinking it - seems like a good plan!! I shall let you know how I get on X