Recently I had written that I had hit a vein and had completely lost my confidence in SI. I meant to try before now but had to go and stay with my mum (98 years old) urgently as she had a serious chest infection. It was hard work nursing her, seeing to her medications, running up and down stairs a million times etc. I was literally completely and utterly worn out. My sister is also helping to look after mum with me. I came home yesterday too exhausted to even try to inject.
Today, even after a nine hour sleep, I was bouncing off walls, dizzy, exhausted and nauseated and I KNEW I had to do this today. Well, I lost two vials, as I just couldn't get rid of a biggish bubble at the bottom of the syringe. This happened with the second one I tried also. I opened my new batch and Hey presto, managed to get one bubble free. Needle went in smoothly and painlessly but my hand was shaking so violently when I tried to press the plunger I thought I would snap the needle lol. I paused, gave myself a good talking to telling myself to "pull yourself together" as I am now really ill again and the answer is literally in my hands. Went for it and got that red beauty in !!!
I would not have been able to do this again without all your help, information and encouragement. Thank you all for encouraging me to try again and get over that little blip ! xxx