Hi there , please can someone offer me some advice I have been caring for my mum who has pernicious anaemia and back in 2017 her injections were stopped as her levels were 2000 which I understand is very high . My mums levels were very rarely checked again . Since that she has become very ill firstly she took nerve pain in her shoulder which eventually was helped with an injection though took a year ..
Since that mum has had several angina attacks she has become very lethargic we were in hospital in October due to severe asthma attack and low potassium levels . About two months ago my mum fainted in the bedroom . As I myself have under active thyroid and get my bloods checked as often as I can I do not have pernicious anaemia but I have to take B12 tablets as I know if my levels are not over 500 - 700 I feel awful .
I rang the doc about two months ago as by this stage my mum was hardly fit to walk and nurse tested bloods . My mums b12 had went down to under 200. The doc put my mum back in the injection and apologised for my mum not being monitored and having to suffer as much as she has done .
My mums levels were checked today and it’s 495 within range how is this normal ? My mums mood is so low she still has very little energy and gets breathless again .
Please can someone offer advice as I am at my wits end what to do to help her she is 82 years old it’s heart breaking to see her so down doesn’t want to eat either !!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and I appreciate any advice at all .. many thanks