still struggling with this, thought I'd ask you guys what you think.
(on a positive note, I finally got a referral to an Immunologist at Addenbrookes re the various auto-immune issues, he was really good, well worth the trip! )
But can't seem to progress with my GP re the iron issues.
My serum ferritin level has been above range for a year now (for the 15 years prior to this I'd had to take 400mg of iron daily as my body "would never store any spare/escess iron") , yet my serum iron is still below range, GP just puts 'no further action' I did ask her in July, how come I have too much in 'store' and not enough going round my body, she said it's because I have inflamation and the body won't release it as iron feeds the inflammation, I kinda get that but, what is this inflammation, shouldn't it be investigated?
she also put "no evidence of anaemia" on my notes, yet the lab results (Oct 16) say otherwise
Serum iron 9.3 (10.0 - 30.4)
I don't know whether to try another doctor, change surgery or wait until I see the Immunologist again in January.