B12 oral spray - which is the best? ... - Pernicious Anaemi...

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B12 oral spray - which is the best? How much do you take?

macduck1 profile image
14 Replies

So we're back from the neurologist and didn't really get anywhere - although they are going to do a further blood test. Until then they wont give my husband a therapeutic trial of vit B12 injections..... so I wanted to try an oral spray. Anyone know if this one any good? And how much of it to use?


Thank you x

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14 Replies
Secondchance profile image


I have this in my handbag as a back-up but have injections and take 5mg solgar per day. This is 4 sprays a day which I think only gives about 1mg per day in total so is quite an expensive way to take it. Check out Holland and Barrett as I got a good offer a few months back and stocked up on it. I don't think I would rely on it as it would be very expensive. It is a matter of trial and error though and different things suit different people and is likely to be better than nothing.

Make sure not to supplement before any further blood tests as this will muck them up.

Secondchance profile image
Secondchance in reply to Secondchance

Link to Holland and Barrett offer on now:


macduck1 profile image
macduck1 in reply to Secondchance

Great - thank you so much for the info. Hubby had blood test done before we left hospital today - so ok to start some kind of supplementation. just desperate to do something that will help him feel even a little better.

ndodge profile image

Hi macduck1,

I use Superior Source "no shot" methyl sublinguals. I like them because they are effective and come in 10,000 mcgs./lozenge. You can get them on Amazon.

When doing sublinguals or spray, only about 1% gets into the cells, so, if I take 5 of these it is the equivalent of .5 mg. or half an injection dose. And I don't have to take so many sublinguals in a day.

It's good to try out different brands as everyone is very individual as to what works best.

Good luck! :-)

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to ndodge

That 1% figure is for oral (i.e., swallowed) B12. I don't know if anybody's actually studied how much gets into the body from sublinguals etc. But one would hope it's more than 1%.

ndodge profile image
ndodge in reply to fbirder

Thanks fbirder for educating me! Been accidentally giving out erroneous info. Oops! Good thing there are no worries about taking a lot of B12 but I sure could have saved some money along the way!

fbirder profile image
fbirder in reply to ndodge

Like I said, nobody's ever looked at absorption from sublinguals, as far as I know. So the 1% figure could be correct. Actually, even the 1% from oral doses is, if I recall correctly, the average of a pretty wide range.

ndodge profile image
ndodge in reply to fbirder

It would be good to know the what the absorption is from sublinguals. They work well for in between injections or for an added boost before exercise, but there is no way I could take enough even at 10mgs./lozenge, to replace the injections!

This is the same spray I use from Holland &Barret, being a few pence cheaper.

Works for me. When I am doing a 'Body Pump class' & I use soray 20 mins before class, I have lots more energy & strength.

Pixielula profile image

I got some high dose patches from Amazon and used them on my mum. They were quite effective but I did one a day for two weeks, then one every other day gradually increasing till one a week. I have 12 weekly injections and I have been self injecting once every 6 weeks going to reduce that to once a month. I also use jarrows 5000mcg methylcobalamine sublinguals 5 a day in order to feel well. My advice would be push for treatment of injections first. But if that fails order some patches and use two a day for a fortnight with some high dose sublinguals, jarrows I use myself so can recommend them, good luck and keep us posted

macduck1 profile image

Thanks for all your replies - am going to see about getting some sub-linguals or patches. I can buy the Better for You spray today -does anyone know if it would be ok to take more than the recommended 4 sprays per day? I want to load him up with B12 as quickly as poss.Thanks again x

MariLiz profile image
MariLiz in reply to macduck1

When I started on it I only did two sprays at first, then increased to two twice a day. I never used more than the recommended dose as I was suffering from a very sore tongue and mouth ( caused by the low B12). I found that the soreness was made worse initially. This does sometimes happen at first.

I am getting injections now, and only use the spray as a top up if I'm doing a lot of activity, There is also a nasal spray that I understand will deliver a higher dose, I can't remember the supplier offhand.

deniseinmilden profile image
deniseinmilden in reply to macduck1

When my system really went wrong last year I bought this from Amazon (can be cheaper) and found it helped. I get an almost immediate effect but it doesn't last very long for me.

As a result I was using about 10x the dose just to stay alive over weekends between jabs. If I take more than recommended it gives me a sore throat but no other problems.

I quickly bought some sublingual lozenges and used those as well (no issues) until I could get the right daily jabs.

It seems most things help but nothing replaces injections if that's what is needed.

Well done for being so supportive and good luck with getting the right treatment.

SlowDragon profile image

I use the Better You spray.

First time I used it I did four spays at once and had really terrible stomach ache for rest of the day. 😟

The following day (having read that you can take spread out at four seperate times a day) I did that, a single spray four times a day. No problems - significant improvement in energy almost immediately.

But, as I still had terrible pins & needles I increased spray over approx next 10 days to four sprays, four times a day. So this is approx 4800ug (according to box details on doses) - & is four times recommended dose, but on this dose pins & needles are fading. I am considering swopping to 5000ug lozenges (Jarrows) but thought I'd wait till after I see dietitian next week.

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