Hi there people . First sorry for my bad english. This is my story:
I were vegan for like 1 year and 6 month and vegetarian for 1 year. One day i became having strange symtoms like headache all day , fatigue , feeling like fainting , feel dizzy , insomnia ,anxiety,depresion , confused ,feeling really really bad . I did blood,urine,liver test and all were ok . The only exception was my b12 levels : 130.5 pg/ml . The lab range is 100 - 1000 . I ve been reading posts and info in the web but i dont know if b12 levels are ok . Im no longer vegan but i ve been in this situation for 3 month . My GP send me 7 shots of cyanocobalamin in 7 days and one 1000mcg tab a day . Im on the 15 day and still feel exhausted and all the other symtoms . I live in Panama , here theres no methyl or hydroxy cobalamim shots . Only cyano . Thanks to all , peace and love.