Hello all . I've not been on for a while as I've been really unwell and had yet another bad fall :/
Finally after asking 3 times the GP practice has finally agreed to referring me for emergency refferals to a new heamotolgist and neurologist . Though the GPS are still refusing a trail run of B12 injections in the interim period despite me be very unwell and also giving them all guidelines etc
Does anyone have any advice on what I should expect from these refferals , what I should ask or information to give them ? Or what tests etc especially in regards to Neurology ? ( I have many symptoms which are rapidly escalating )
I am very unwell , dizzy , uncoordinated and more exhausted then i have ever been . I've stopped sublingual B12 as advised it will mask tests :/
I've been advised to write up a chronology as I have a long complex medical history . I requested my full medical records but have only received 17 years worth ! :/ but that's when my first operation was using nitrous oxide which is what I now believe stared a 17 year chain of events inc severe unexplained bleeding , severe kidney infections and depression . I've had 7 procedures using nitrous oxide !! Also in recent years I've had many unexplained bad falls resulting in breaks , torn ligaments , minuscus etc :/
Also does anyone have any advice on PA and Gynea and Urology links ? Or could direct me where to search ?
Many thanks in advance xxxx