I'm 28 years old and have been feeling really ill for about 7 or 8 years. My symptoms include:
Feeling exhausted all the time
dizziness/vertigo (every day when I wake up, and also if I exert myself at all, but even if I'm not yet out of breath)
feeling thirsty all the time and always needing a wee (when I go to the loo I never feel like my bladder properly empties so already need a wee before I've even washed my hands)
A weird sort of tingling that will only stop of I touch it, I get this in my knees, arms, scalp, nose and cheeks (not necessarily at the same time)
A loud thumping/fluttering in my ear when I touch my face (this has been happening as long as I can remember, although it's getting steadily worse, and i no longer need to touch my face for the sound)
My hands often go numb and I get pins and needles
I often feel bruised all over, even though nothing has happened to me
In the last couple of years I've had real sleep problems, waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning every night and not getting back to sleep
Painful joints, especially my wrists
I get very bloated, to the point that I look around 8 months pregnant quite often.
I've been to the doctor quite a lot over the years, but they have been very dismissive. One of them said that if it was anything serious I would be dead by now so I should just learn to live with it.
I have started seeing a new doctor who said it was probably nothing but I burst into tears and begged her to do some blood tests. I told her I had been thinking it was maybe a b12 problem. She said none of my symptoms would be expected with b12 agreed to do a full blood test.
When I went for my follow up appointment she said the tests had shown nothing but a slight vitamin d deficiency (40 mnol/l) but that that's normal as the weather hasn't been great, and everything else is absolutely fine.
The only thing is, all the results get put on our online patient portals, and the ones that are out of 'normal range' are highlighted.
Most of them were in normal range, including plasma b12 level (507 ng/l)
However, the things (as well as vit D) that were flagged as outside normal range were:
MCHC - 358 G/l
Platelet Count - 133 10*9/l
Serum Bilirubin level - 28 umol/l
My bilirubin has been elevated for years, and that was the only other thing that the doctor mentioned, but said that if my last doctor knew about it and wasn't worried then it's probably OK.
Sorry about the essay. The things I want to know are:
a) As my B12 levels looked fine, do you think it's not P.A.? I'm thinking ordering some tests online as I'm not sure the one the doctor did was active B12, but maybe that doesn't matter?
b) Is it normal to be out of the 'normal range' on a few tests?
Any answers would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.