(If anyone hasn't seen my previous posts, basically, I was on cyano pills and folic acid for a year and they didn't help at all. I had a blood test Nov '15 and my levels were around 100, so my GP sent me for a loading dose of B12 injections. My bloods were re-done a month later and my levels had fallen to 93 so I then had another loading dose, plus four weekly injections and when my bloods were tested again, the new GP said I was now "fine" and didn't need to continue with any treatment.)
It's been 6 weeks since my last injection and I feel my energy levels dropping quite rapidly. I'm sleeping anywhere between 11-13 hours a night, waking up and being tired again 4 hours later. I'm struggling to walk my dog without feeling lightheaded. I can't concentrate on anything and I'm getting pins and needles in my scalp/back again.
I tried to make an appointment to go and see my 2nd GP (original one left) and she's still on her annual leave and won't be back until the end of May, and, the only GP left in the surgery right now is the one who blamed my condition on "crappy diet" and said I didn't need any more help.
To tide me over until I can see my nicer GP, I was considering self injecting. I have some vials of the cyano left over and was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to do this, where to buy the needles (that ship to UK) or any alternative solutions?
Thanks in advance.