I have been self injecting weekly since the middle of August 2017. This was to deal with neurological symptoms which developed in the months following the initial loading doses 18 months before. One monthly reduced to 2 weekly then finally weekly. I was having burning toes and pins and needles in feet and hands plus sore tongue and cracked corner of mouth and tinnitus. My toes also felt like chunks of felt.
The weekly injections stopped the burning toes problems after one day then came back on day 7. The tinnitus was there but just a background hiss, hands were still tingling but not so bad.
Gradually my feet felt as though they were mine again, no longer with felt toes, but they were very, very sensitive and walking without shoes was painful - it felt as if I was walking on the bones themselves. That has now got so much better.
At the end of each week I was continually rubbing my hands together, like dry washing them, to reduce the irritation from the tingling.
My mouth felt fine but I could feel the soreness returning by day 7.
One wonderful effect was the change to taste buds meaning red wine didn't taste like compost heap drainings. I could also recognise the various tiny flavours in single cask single malt whisky again.
I worked on the premise that I should continue whilst there was improvement until there wasn't any more improvement and so far everytime I have extended the interval between injections there has been a return of symptoms.
This last interval has been 10 days and although there were some signs of pins and needles in my hands and sore mouth corner my feet are much better and not so sensitive. No more felt toes.
So why have I posted this, well as the heading says, going it alone is isolating. Normally there would have been at least a couple of checking up session with the GP but as he isn't able to support what I am doing that hasn't been possible, anyway, he knows less than me about it now so I would be teaching him rather than him advising me.
I am actually asking the forum members for any comments they wish to make as from what I have gleaned this is the most knowledgeable location for B12 deficiency - the B12 University of the Web.