I went for the first of 6 loading injections today. As soon as I walked in I asked if the nurse would consider letting me self inject the remaining doses, (with a very big smile and most charming tone of course!). The nurse was lovely and wanted to check with her colleague...if she went and came back a little less keen. I continued my pleading...I asked If I could do this one i front of her so she can see I was confident. She gave a few instructions and I did it! Whoop. I have left with everything I need for my next 5 doses (including sharps box), the ability to self inject!
I wanted to say a BIG thank you to all of you. Without this board, the replies to my own posts and the many others I have read, I would not have had the knowledge and confidence to be bold and ask nor have had the confidence to self inject! Thank you.
To top this off the nurse and her colleague next door both had knowledge that perhaps 12 weekly would be too long and it could move to 8 weekly if needed (this wouldn't be based on blood results but instead on symptoms). Great news for me and many others who will use the surgery over the coming years.