Can any one please advise me what the recommended dose of Methylcobalamin is and how often I should be taking it. I have a 30ml bottle.
Methylcobalamin dosage : Can any one... - Pernicious Anaemi...
Methylcobalamin dosage

I have never used methylcobalamin but what is the concentration? How many mg per ml? As far as I know it's the same dosage of 1mg so if it is 1mg per ml conch that's 1 ml required but if it's 2mg per ml that's 0.5ml required. I'm sure some experienced person will be along to advise. BTW, would you mind feeling me where you got it and the cost. I still have some oversensitivity in my finger tips and was wondering if methylcobalamin might help. I read others saying it is better for neuro symptoms.
Autocorrect changed conc to conch!!!
Would you mind telling me rather than feeling me?!!!
At least B12D hasn't robbed you of your sense of humour
I've just started using methylcobalamin as nasal spray - comparing it to hydroxocobalamin as nasal spray (bit difficult because I'm not sure of the relative dosages) I think I'm using less but seeing bigger benefits - movement in my left ankle and feeling in the left foot seems to have improved and the foot doesn't feel so strange when I'm lying in bed at night. However, that's very anecdotal and very personal to me.
It isn't injectable but I get mine here ... and for me nasal seems to be on a par with injection.
Reckon that one bottle will probably last me at least a couple of months.
Thanks Gambit Laugh or cry! Sorry I assumed above is injection but I now realise it could be nasal spray. Did you try methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin injections to compare with?
have used hydroxocobalamin injections ... and when I run out of my current supply will look at getting methylcobalamin ampoules. For me there doesn't seem to be much difference between injection and nasal - seem to need about 3mg a day if hydroxocobalamin and injecting (subcutaneous) at that rate doesn't really seem to be sensible ... and probably works out more expensive than the nasal spray. As I say I'm not quite clear whether the doses are the same with the spray I'm using now though does look as if it is going to take me considerably longer to get through the methyl than the hydroxo at the rate I'm using it ... and I'm noticing improvements that weren't there with the hydroxo.
Hi second chance, ye u dead right, laugh or cry! It was injection I meant, I buy it from a private Dr in South Wales, £55 + £7 delivery. I went for a infusion of Methyl first, the pernicious aneamia society will tell you if u phone them, I'm not sure I can put it on here but if u want to contact me I can tell you. I have hydroxo off my nhs Dr every 8 wks but still did not feel well so supplement with Methyl inbetween.
How did you find the infusion? Any difference? Thanks.
A 30ml bottle at 1mg 1ml.
I found my 1ml syringe when full, was awkward to handle, so I split the dose.
I only drew up half a ml then the same at night, I actually found it better like this than all at once.
You will find that you need again in the evening so you have the half a ml to use.
I take 1mg every day until my symptoms disappear.
I have had no problems at all with methyl B12 and it is working, but I am going to try Hydroxo as well,
( to cover all my bases )
I think Possum was the one that suggested, some months back, to go slowly with Methylcobalamin at first.
You also, must rest after your injection.
Keep your Methyl B12 in a dark place, no exposure to light.

How long have you been doing daily injections and what did you notice in way of improvement? Thanks
I started on the 4th September .
I had muscle twitching in my hands and face, sometimes on my legs, this has now disappeared.
I started with tingling in my feet, this is still with me, but losing its strength.

That sounds good. How long did you have symptoms for before this?
I only had tingling feet, for maybe a year.
I did them from May 2013 to about dec2013, the nerve pain wasn't as bad, to be honest I can't really remember,that'll b d PA then!! I stopped them because I started having a lot of fatigue, until about two weeks ago when the nerve pain kicked in among other things, also I started reading up again and feel I am better on them than not, so I am just giving myself a little bit each day, I have felt more awake than usual n not quite as foggy. I'm sorry if this is a bit vague but I sat today with old notes of dates things happened and have realised I am going to have to make regular notes because of my memory. One thing I did notice was in November 2012 when the Neurologist did sum blood tests my B12 was recorded by my GP as 187 and a note beside saying: LOW retest in another year!!! how they sleep at night I don't know, luckily when the Neuro saw it in January she told my DR to start B12 injections.
Hi Manukia, thank you for your info, when you say rest after injection, please could you tell me how long for and maybe why, the private Dr didn't tell me that.