I suddenly started getting lots of symptoms last December:
Numbness and tingling on whole left side
Muscle stiffness and weakness in left arm and leg
Loss of balance
Brain fog
Mood changes
Shortness of breath
Sensitivity to heat
Sensitivity to noise
Double vision
I have got some family history as my Grandad had PA.
Had various blood tests which confirmed low b12 - 159 ng/l (191-663).
Test for PA antibodies was negative.
I then had 6 loading injections in January and am now on 3 monthly injections.
All the symptons above pretty much cleared up within a month or two of starting with the injections much to my relief.
However I have now got numbness, tingling, stiffness and weakness just in my right hand and it seems to be getting slowly worse.
I am right handed so this is causing difficulty with various things such as writing, carrying hot drinks etc.
I am confused by this development. Why have the neuropathic symptoms moved from my whole left side to just my right hand?
I have tried both patches and oral spray to keep my b12 levels up between injections but they do not seem to be helping with my right hand.
I am thinking of trying a multivit as well but I am not sure what to go for.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue? Does anyone have any suggestions of what else to try?
Any advice would be gratefully received.