I can access the daily list of new posts, with no problems. BUT when I go to rea d a comment , MY likes or private conversations, I have to sign in AGAIN constantly for last 3 days?......???
Another computer connection puzzle - Cure Parkinson's
Another computer connection puzzle

Me too, double page of HU open, lately it goes to single page
I still am not getting any emails. I have to log into an old email and go to the Post or just go to healthunlocked.Com
Me too. Must be a bug in the system. We should notify the admin. They may not be aware of it. Very annoying.
I am having similar issue. Perhaps they are working on the system, but usually they let you know when they will be working on a system so you will understand that there can be glitches. I am going to check out the "contact us" link at the bottom of the page to report the problem.
I just sent the following message to that "contact us" tab at the bottom of the page:
I have an issue with the operating system that requires I keep signing in each time I navigate through my notifications. Other members are reporting various issues while using the system or navigating around the forum where they have to keep signing in. Here is a link to a forum thread that was just started on the subject :
Yup.very annoying
I received an email reply from the HU technical department regarding having to keep logging back into HU. Here is their reply :
Hello Art,
Thank you for taking the time to email us about this technical issue.
We are sorry you experienced being redirected to the log in page after already being logged into the site. I can imagine how frustrating this would have been for you. I can confirm our tech team have implemented a fix and you should no longer be faced with this issue.
If you are still experiencing the same technical issue, please get back in touch with us.
Thank you for your patience.
Kind regards,