Exercise advice please : Can anyone give me... - Cure Parkinson's

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Exercise advice please

Celtis profile image
48 Replies

Can anyone give me advice about exercise. After my PD diagnosis about a year ago I began trying hard to get walking, working up to 30 minutes a day. But I have a bad knee with osteoarthritis. I was booked for a knee replacement but couldn't have it because I had heart issues. I now have a pacemaker and I am told I will soon need valve replacement surgery. And the doctor tells me I can forget about a knee op. I actually know that both my heart and my PD will be better if I exercise. I tried just walking anyway and I could feel a real improvement in my tremor. But I have proved to myself that I can't do the walking. It just results in too much pain.

Does anyone know what I should be doing?

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Celtis profile image
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48 Replies
jeeves19 profile image

Buy an exercise bike!

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to jeeves19

Thank you for the response. I did try an exercise bike. My knee got very painful almost immediately. I will try again though. Perhaps I should have persevered.

parkie13 profile image
parkie13 in reply to Celtis

You could try using an Ace bandage or one of those elastic sleeves that you pull up over your knee. I had one of my knees hurt me you just have to start slow and I do wear one of those pull up sleeves.

KERRINGTON profile image
KERRINGTON in reply to Celtis

Start with just cycling at no resistance every other day for 20 minutes, at an easy pace. Make sure your seat is far enough away from the pedals so you are not excessively bending, and putting extra pressure on your knees.

Maryque profile image
Maryque in reply to jeeves19

Great idea

Bailey_Texas profile image

jeeves19 is correct a stationary bike will be a lot easier on your all your joints. I would suggest a recumbent bike it is easier on your knees and back and is easier to mount. Also for me the more i exercise the better my joints feel.

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to Bailey_Texas

I hadn't thought of a recumbent bike. Will try. Thank you for responding. I

nelo23 profile image
nelo23 in reply to Celtis

My physical therapist has me on a recumbent glider. I have ordered one for my house. Biodex BioStep 2 Semi-Recumbent Elliptical glider.

Hikoi profile image

Are you on meds yet?

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to Hikoi

I am on Carbilev. I started on one 25/100 three times a day, but I got restless leg problems and I cut back to half a tablet three times a day. I have had far fewer restless leg feelings since then, but maybe also because I have got going on some supplements.

Bailey_Texas profile image
Bailey_Texas in reply to Celtis

hello Celtis

Requip (ropinirole) will help with the restless leg. I take 3 25/100 and 1 50/200 ext release every 4 hours 6 times a day and 2 6mg Requip once in the morning

and 1 200 mg ibuprofen every 4 hours. I have very few side effects. I have very little down time. I am in my 12th year of Parkinson's and do most any thing i want to.

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to Bailey_Texas

12 years in and still doing OK. I find that really encouraging. Thanks for your post.

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to Celtis


I think some good advice from others here.

I asked about meds because some people, me included, have relief from joint pain when they start levadopa

jeeves19 profile image

Celtis. Remember that cartilage has no blood supply. It gets nourishment from exercise. Whilst not a cure all if you have none left, I HAVE known many who have lost their knee pains through cycling regularly. Me for one! Good luck.

Bailey_Texas profile image
Bailey_Texas in reply to jeeves19

I hurt my knee 25 years ago and i had pain until i started crossfit 3 years ago i now have no joint pain. I don't have any pain other than my PD pain.

Astra7 profile image

Can you get to a pool and do some swimming?

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to Astra7

A pool would be good but I live on a farm quite far from town. It isn't really an option for me.

christymw profile image

Stretching and yoga may help. If you have access to a community center they may offer classes.

I've had knee problems since I was a teenager and I've had knee surgery twice on my left knee and once on my right. The first thing you need to do is strengthen the muscles supporting your knee-- it is a large joint and when it is weakened, you'll experience pain from misalignment and deterioration. A physical therapist can offer exercises and activities beneficial for your particular issues. The last thing you need to do is cause damage to your knee when you need to prepare for heart valve replacement.

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to christymw

Thank you. I have found that doing the exercises recommended for getting ready for the knee op helps my knee. It is just that I believe I need something aerobic for PD. My knee problems seem minor next to yours so I really appreciate advice from someone with experience.

Bailey_Texas profile image
Bailey_Texas in reply to Celtis

if you do the your exercises correctly your joints will begin to work better and it will reduce your pain.

christymw profile image
christymw in reply to Celtis

I just recommend caution when starting an exercise program. Bailey_Texas is correct, When done correctly exercise can have positive benefits. Start slow. I think you've got the right approach with following the pre op exercises, they'll help you strengthen the muscles supporting the joint and therefore may help reduce pain. I bet you could look on you tube for videos of exercises that focus on knee problems. Just keep in mind you have other physical issues to consider. I'd hate to see you get hurt!

Maja54 profile image

Hi Celtis you can do sitting exercises on y tube you find plenty good videos Sparks has one or sitting exercise for seniors, Exercise is great for PD it makes progress slower . Is ease on joints too .

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to Maja54

I had not thought of that. I shall certainly explore that idea. Thank you.

ruthgt profile image
ruthgt in reply to Celtis

There is a small exercis bike to put on a table use with your hands..finger fitness .look on yutub.moving head.try monitol

Maja54 profile image

Try also Australian dream cream rub on your knee, it work for me . You can by it in any pharmacy , is 100% guarantee . if it does not work you get your money back.

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to Maja54

I am in South Africa so might find it difficult to get. Thank you though.

M1tz1 profile image
M1tz1 in reply to Celtis

I'm also in South Africa, Celtis. I'm not a Parkie but the PwP on this website were so helpful to me with my husband's Parkinson's.

You can try ordering online if Dischem can't get Australian Dream Cream, although the exchange rate might be a deterrent. Why not Google for its ingredients? You might find it contains Tea Tree Oil which is obtainable here in different strengths.

RickyTikki profile image

Honestly I find simple house work to be all the exercise I need and can do. I just over emphasize my movements and make sure I use both hands. That way I have exercised and have a clean toilet at the same time. Then it is time to pull out your squattypotty and go to town.



Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to RickyTikki

I do housework but it doesn't give me the reduction in tremor that I felt when I was walking. Thanks though. Always nice to hear how other people cope.

justhavefun2 profile image
justhavefun2 in reply to RickyTikki

That’s fun! Nice to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor and you have a clean house. Bonus!!

RickyTikki profile image
RickyTikki in reply to justhavefun2

I just found the potty prince in another commercial.


M_rosew profile image

With PD you aren't exercising to keep fit, but to maintain or re-learn movements that you could previously do without thinking. Check 'neuro plasticity'.

It might be helpful to see a Neuro-physiotherapist for early advice.

Personal favourite websites



Both also on YouTube

RickyTikki profile image
RickyTikki in reply to M_rosew

You mean to tell me that my exercise program ( taught by my wife ) is just her way to make sure I find myself cleaning toilets for the rest of my life.

PLEASE ignore previous advice.

justhavefun2 profile image
justhavefun2 in reply to RickyTikki

Lol Smart wife!

justhavefun2 profile image
justhavefun2 in reply to M_rosew

Thanks for the redirection! It is always a great idea to move. One of my first symptoms was, after being out of the gym due to Achilles’ tendon surgery, I couldn’t do a 1 arm row with my right arm. It was only a 5# weight! What the heck!? My physical therapist didn’t have a clue why my gait was off, etc. I will be looking for someone else since you mentioned it. On the “to do” list!

Motherfather profile image

hello celtis well we all here keep trying different things it dont matter what it is,will first thing i sent a video to some of my pd friends.it costs about 20 dollars from china its great for massaging any parts of the body.im doing it at the moment on my feet,its good .and cheap as well.i just spent 25 000 dollars on stem cell,,but thats an ongoing thing.i exercise 7 days a week for years so as the other pd friends told you try it all bike swimming walking push ups dream up things you can do any time of the day.i even have abs now and im 71.good luck john.

Motherfather profile image


Motherfather profile image


RickyTikki profile image
RickyTikki in reply to Motherfather

It looks like your trying to induce Parkinson's.

rebtar profile image

At my gym there's a machine where you cycle with your hands, and it gives an excellent cardio workout. I do this for cardio as well as upper body strength. I've seen these for home use but can't seem to find it in a quick search. If this interests you, let me know and I'll look for the one I saw for home use.

Motherfather profile image
Motherfather in reply to rebtar

hi rebtar you can buy it in ali express very cheap about 20 dollars,

Celtis profile image
Celtis in reply to rebtar

I am very interested in that idea. Thank you.

rebtar profile image
rebtar in reply to Celtis

There are a lot of different ones, from quite inexpensive to thousands of dollars (gym models). Here are a few options, I can't recommend anything specific because I use the one at the gym.




rosgralow profile image

I would speak with the Physiotherapist - water exercise?

Renowife profile image

I started a water aerobics class in January. You might give it a try.

Caroleeney profile image

YouTube has many videos of" Power for Parkinsons", which I find very good. Very fun and motivating. Adaptable for individual needs. I have also started yoga stretches and a Sadna (Tommy Rosen, video online) which is peaceful and energizing. I use a Therecycle which doesn't require effort , just riding along with it . Easy, but costly to buy.

pamcroft profile image

Swimming might help. Then just do as much walking as you can, with frequent rests. I try to stay as slim as possible - advice is easy!

mtshahtm profile image

If you can do 3srb exercise it will help you in heart disease and also nee pain. You can do sure this exercise. It is only breathing on music . First 10 day you follow exercise only 1/2 minute . Slowly increase time upto 1 minute. not more than 1 minute its a limit.search on youtube or net you will find as refining or 3srb exercise . Have a good health.

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