Which of the following topics are of ... - Chronic Pancreati...
Which of the following topics are of the most interest to you, as they pertain to chronic pancreatitis? (Select only your top choice)
Emotional health and support systems
Nutrition / Diet
Symptoms and triggers
Conventional Treatments
Other (please specify in the comments below)
4 Replies
Am not in particular pain but always aware of the stigma attached to the condition, have diabetes 2 so diet now is always important with both conditions.
The youtube video is very important. How can I have a translation to Spanish?The recommendatios are only aguide, indeed? Wear47
Hola wear1947 , el video del Doctor Freedman todavía no ha sido traducido al español, pero puedes encontrar una lista de recomendaciones de como tomar enzimas pancreáticas aquí: mission-cure.org/es/blog-es...
Espero que esta pagina te ayude!