Hi everyone , i went to see my oncologist yesterday and much thought decided to go for the chemo , even though my prognosis is terminal , Iwill have one 3 month treatment and see how it goes , nothing to loose as thy say . Iwish all fellow sufferes and their familys the very best and hope you all have a lovely Christmas x x
UPDATE ON CATHDW1: Hi everyone , i went... - Pancreatic Cancer...

Dear Cathdw1
We know of others who can do well on chemo even though their ultimate prognosis is terminal and most chemotherapy regimes for pancreatic cancer are well tolerated. We wish you luck with your treatment and hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas.
Wishing you the best of luck with the chemo....Happy holidays
Hi Cath, if it's any support for you, my mum Anne was diagnoised with terminal pancreatic cancer with secondaries on her liver on September 11th 2011, mum is currently having chemo too at Christies in Manchester she's having GEMCAP, she's on month two, about to start month 3 ! So go for it Cath, only thing is she is currently in hospital at the mo on strong antibiotics hopefully coming out tomorrow as she has developed a DVT in her left leg and it keeps getting infected, so keep an eye on your legs for swelling, as it is quite common ethane been told, so off to visit shortly !!! Good luck Cath, I will be thinking of you and yr family too over Christmas ! Adele Bosman xxx
Thanks for your replies , its good to have the support ....... we are all in this together and its good to keep in touch , Cath x x x
I hope you all the best with your treatment, please update us on the chemo is going.
Rachel x
Good luck Cath, you know i will be there for you, have a lovely Christmas with your wonderful family, love and best wishes,
Hi Cath - as a fellow sufferer please keep positive - I have had 9 months of gem/cap and now started a new second line regime - the chemo can give you a significant and high quality of life. Go for it!
I wish you a wonderful christmas with your family.
Hope all my friends on this site keep thinking positive thoughts in the New Year ,i had an EUS yesterday to extract cells from the tumour before starting chemo in Jan . Good luck to one and all , love Cath x x
Good luck with the chemo Cath, you sound a very positive lady and I'm sure you're family are very proud of your approach to your illness. I wish you the absolute best outcome possible from your chemo. Stay strong, sending love and support. Maggie xx
Hi Cath have a very happy new year and so glad you are having some chemo , mum is on month 3 and gets on fine with it . She has been round for tea tonight and eaten everything I gave her and a pudding!! She had chemo on Thursday , so it can be done . I wish you all the best for jan and your family must be so proud of your positive thinking and determined approach . Keep us updated . Lots of love Nessy x
wishing you all the very best cath with your chemo love from sarah x
Thankyou all for your kind words and good wishes , it means a lot . i will keep updates coming , love cath x x
Hi Cath,
I have just read your blog and your situation struck a cord with me as it reminds me of my Dad. He was diganosed in Septemer 11, aged 60, 2 kids and 2 grandkids like yourself. He also is terminal with 6-12 months. He is about to start his 3rd month of chemo. Just to give you some positivity, he is taking to it well and his tumor markers are already dropping after just one month. He is eating really well since starting the chemo. Time will tell once he has his CT scan in Feb. Please stay positive and I wish you the very best of luck with your treatment.
Take care..Rachel xx
Thankyou Rachel for your blog , its good to keep in touch with fellow sufferes and the familys as we are the people that trully understand what this awful cancer means . i don't know how long i have left as i did'nt want to be counting days, weeks , months etc, Ijust try and take each day as it comes , and try to stay positive , i am eating a lot better now i am taking creon . All the best to you and your dad . LoveCath x
hi cath,Jay also too creon with food,the morphine patches 275,& oxynorm 50mg, use to make passing anything very difficuilt,use ducolax twice a day if you feeling bunged up,it helpped Jay,if you carnt go to the loo call in marie cure nurses there excillant,all the very best keep positive,xxx