He is waiting for the date to start radiation 5 x a week and chemo 2 x a week for 6 weeks straight. Everyone I talk to that has had radiation says there are no side effects except for being tired. But the dr mentioned that he may experience nausea, vomiting. etc from radiation, not including the chemo side effects. Has anyone have any experience with this treatment and can advise or shed some light. His last catscan showed no spread,, at the head of the pancreas but in lymp nodes. Thanks
My husband has had chemo and has deci... - Pancreatic Cancer...
My husband has had chemo and has decided to take a break due to the major side effects he was having.

Hi there,
I had chemoradiotherpy for pancreatic cancer 5 years ago. I didn't get too many side effects except for extreme tiredness especially towards the end and a lot of belching. My chemo drug was 5-FU - there may be different side effects for your husband especially if a different chemo drug is used. I wish him luck.
Thanks for answering. You have had pancreatic cancer for 5 years???? What stage were you diag. in..if you don't mind me asking!!! Also, I was wondering about the side effects of the radiation mix with the hemo together. thanks and God Bless you and your strength

I was diagnosed stage 2B - just in time for surgery to be an option. After surgery I had 6 months of chemotherapy (Gemzar and Cisplatin) followed by 6 months of chemoradiotherapy. I am one of the few who survive 5 years! Best of luck and my good wishes to you and your husband.
I am very happy for you, and thank you so much for paying it forward by being here for many of us. I am trying to be as positive as I can for my husband, but the problem that I've been having since he was diagnosed Christmas Eve, was to balance staying positive and realistic. I wish I could know what the near future holds so we can prepare. Dr.s are not giving us what our odds are. Just that everyone is different. But there has to be a way to see on an average what the odds are. Very frustrating and such a horrible feeling of helplessness.
I was diagnosed with inoperative Pancreatic cancer over 6 years ago. My initial treatment was 30 days radiation with continuous infusion of 5-fu. Since then I have had ongoing chemotherapy (Gemcitabine) with occasional breaks when I feel I need a rest. PC is an extremely complex disease and it is impossible to predict the effectiveness of any treatment. In fact, recent genetic classification of PC tumors suggests there are over 1000 different types all of which respond differently to treatment. It is important to remain optimistic especially in the initial stages. Radiotherapy is a cumulative thing and you tend to become more tired and nausious as treatment progresses - this is normal. There are many nausia medications and don't be afraid to change if you feel your prescription isn't working. I tried 3 before I used Dexmethazone which is very effective on me - but everyone is different. Finally, everyone handles this diagnosis in their own way and often frustration and helplessness is part of the process. BUT remember, your husband with pick up on these vibes and it is important he receive positive support from all.
My dad hes 61 has had 3 rounds of gemcap only side effect of that treatment was tiredness for my dad, he did keep on top the sickness meds incase.
This treatment did have a slight shrinkage to the tumour. (Which is not operable at present, did attempt a whipple but main vein involved, so biliary bypass given)
My dad is now on radiotherapy combined with chemo tablets called xeloda I think that is what there called.he is having a 6 week course now on week 5 with no side effects.
Although we have been told tiredness can hit afterwards, but like my dad said tiredness is tolerable.
We have been through the mill with my dads diagnosis, I gave up googling this terrible diesese. Everyone seems different and treatments work for some and not for others.
Stay positive Hun and never ever give up x
You didn't mention what drugs your husband has been given. My step-father was put on gemcap this made him nauseous, very tired and effected his blood platelet count, which resulted in treatment delays as Dr's prefer not to give chemo if platelet count drops below 100. We take each chemo round at a time as it's tough! I wish you and your husband the best of luck!
Hi.... I had chemo after a whipple operation in 2011.... My chemo had side effects of swollen legs, hair thinning, extreme tiredness, reduced drive.... Did not have radiation.... I would advise your husband to have it all and push thru the issues he has, as he needs to make sure he eradicates all the cancer cells.
Good luck.
First thanks all for responding. He was on a 3 mix cocktail...spelling? Fluororacil , Irenespn, neulasta,..with continuos infusion with his dosi fuser....again not sure of spelling. He is currently on 24 pills a day..it seems like whatever side effect they give him pills to take..and he has to take pills to break the pills down now too. He is a (and was prior) so add 5 insulin injections a day. He was on this cocktail mix for 6 treatments and now we will be doing the radiation and chemo combo for 6 weeks. His sugar levels have been over 600 and they keep increasing his insulin to combat that. There is not a day that goes by that he is not fighting indigestion, very bad gas, and cramping, which he is still experiencing and its been 2 weeks since his least treatment. I am a very positive person in general, and I do believe that the mind is one of the strongest parts of our bodies..but I see the toll this is taking on him. (remember hes been a uncontrolled diabetic for many years and have been going for steroid injections in his eyeballs weekly for the past 2 years due to his retnias hemmoraging. We recently lost a lot during hurricane sandy he feels helpless and useless. So in short...he is just sick and tired of being sick and tired.
My husband 48 was diagnosed in September 2014 with terminal PC. He has had 10 rounds of chemo fu-5 every 2 weeks. My darling has now decided hehas had enough of treatment and this is really frightening for me. He is now having a 6 week break. The last scan results show that the tumor hasn't shrink nor has it spread both scans showing the same results. I have notice it's now been 3 weeks since last chemo and he is very tired and lack of energy worst now than was he was having treatment. Anyone else out there experience the same symptoms. ..
blessing to one and all