Dear all, my 68 year old mum was given the devastating news on 12 September 2011 that she has the most common form of pancreatic cancer adenacarcinoma in the head of the pancreas . She has never been Ill in all her life , nothing more than a common cold took no medication and never drank or smoked in the last 28 years , ate a healthy diet and worked hard even into retirement because she liked her job so much . She is always happy the life and soul ! It's harder now though for her after the diagnosis . I guess I am searching for the answer why??? What did she do to deserve this or not do in her life style that could have triggered the cancer and why this particular area / organ of the body . I wondered if anyone else out there had asked the same question to there doctor or oncologist ? Both my sister and I are on the site , Delly and I'm Nessy ( those are our nick names) we both wish everyone fighting this terrible disease all the best and every good wish to all who have lost a loved one and those who are suffering with cancer . Any feedback is appreciated . Best wishes nessy x
Has anyone been given a reason why ei... - Pancreatic Cancer...
Has anyone been given a reason why either they or their loved one was unlucky enough to have pancreatic cancer ?

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Jump to repliesDear Nessy so very sorry to hear about your mum , i am 60 years old and was diagnosed in oct with PC with a terminal prognosis, i start chemo on the 16th jan . I was working right up to my diagnosis , it was the worst day of my life . My sister asked my oncologist the same question and in her own words said ..... its just shit bad luck , although we as a family are thinking we have a faulty gene as my brother passed with the same cancer nearly 3 years ago , he was 50 . So as you can imagine i am all to familiar with this dreadful cancer . My 2 kids & g/kids and my wonderful family keep saying its surreal ..... why another one . It frightens me for my kids etc . we are all entering a trial with EUROPAC as they are trying to identify the gene involvement . We are all in the same boat as the saying goes on this site , its good to keep contact with sufferes and their familys as sometimes you feel alone . Itry and keep strong and possitive but it's not easy , but i have a great amount of support from family and good friends , Please tell your mum to keep strong , all the best to you all Cath x x
Hi Cath thanks for your message, I have followed your posts and think you are such a wonderful person yourself always supporting others. You will never be alone there are quite a few of us on this site who are all routing for you
Too. Take care , Nessy xx
Thankyou Nessy for your kind words , i do try and support others as not everyone can cope in the same way , i never knew i was such a determined and positive person .... until this . My brother fought to the very end and i intend to do the same , I am going away for 5 days to centre parcs with my wonderful kids and G/kids and i intend to savour every minute . take care and keep those positive mind thoughts going x x
No one can answer that question, not even the oncologists and doctors, and I find that hard to take. My brother passed away , almost three years ago with this cancer, and now my sister is also fighting it. there is not enough research done and hardly any funding given by the government, so there are questions left unanswered, Please sigh the e-petition for earlier and better diagnosis and EUROPAC are running a trial to try and find a genetic family link.
Try to keep positive for your Mum, she will need your support, Best wishes xx
I was just 39 yrs old when i was diagnosed with PC in Dec 09, fortunately i was operated on successfully and have regular scans to keep a check on things. I too asked the same question and was told pot luck-i have never smoked, eat a mostly organic and vegetarian diet, drink in moderation and have always led an active life-so to be diagnosed with this dreadful cancer was a huge shock! But i do think that a positive outlook on life and a strong support network helps to deal with and to cope with this. Long may you continue to enjoy time with your family and friends and enjoy what you have. My thoughts are with you as you work through this process. Manny xx
Hi lm very very happy for you,-my son age 40yrs with pancreatic cancer,he was a good lively younge heard working man,within 9months after chemo dident work,they said an operation would be no good as by the time they found out it wasent stomach ulcers,but PCit had moved too his liver,there isent enough resurch/money put into PC.its a terrible thing and my heart goes out to every one who has been unlucky to have it,l wish everyone good luck & hope their treatment works.